Rachel Elizabeth Dare

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UGH! School is so boring. Especially this stupid school. Clarion Ladies Academy!

Yeah that's right I'm still stuck here. I haven't managed to worm my way out of this place yet, thankfully it's my senior year, and then I'm off to New York to study art and I'll be closer to camp too.

I was making my to Womens History. I would have liked this class if it wasn't for the teacher. At one point I was half convinced she was a monster that I brought Annabeth here to check her out. But no, turns out she's just a really ugly and mean human. I do like learning about all the bad ass women throughout history though.

I walked in and made my way to my desk at the top and the back of the class. Each classroom here was like a small version of a college lecture hall. With wood benches and long desks, with an isle of stairs in the middle. Mrs Kingsman sat at her desk. Two minutes later class officaly started. I pulled my textbook and my notepad out of my ratty messenger back scribbled on with marker.

At this school looked down their noses at my bag, and always held onto their gajillion dollar purses tighter as if I was going to steal it. And yes I know gajillion isn't a word much less a number.

"Ms Dare" I heard, "Ms Dare", "MS DARE!" my head snapped up, my pencil falling out my hand. Mrs Kingsman pursed her lips, "do you care to answer my question?" she asked, hands on her bony hips.

"Er, I think I may have misses the question, what was it again" I asked, I hadn't exactly been paying attention. Instead I had been doodling. I'd created a master piece if I do say so myself.  I had sketched a cow which I had shades with my red ballpoint pen, and it had a party hat on and chewing on a piece of pizza, and for some reason it has a sun tattooed on its left buttocks.

"Do you by any chance know what we were studying?" my teacher stared down at me, her glasses rested on the tip of her nose. I subconsciously pushed up an imaginary pair of glasses on my face, hoping maybe, that my actions would work on Mrs Kingsmans' face, and her glasses would get pushed up to where they should be.

Once again I didn't know the answer. So I guessed, "Florence Nightingale, ma'am, she was a celebrated English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing". I had no idea where that little information came from, all I know is that I dreamt last night of a women in an old fashioned nurses outfit, saying her name was Florence Nightingale.

I took a wild guess.

I supressed a smirk when Mrs Kingsman huffed, and began to move on.

"Now, now that was cheating, I'm so proud" a voice said, I looked around to who it would be, I clutched the dagger in my bag too, who would know I was (technically) cheating, if they weren't a monster.

I saw a boy sat in one of the front desks. Everyone gasped and started whispering. This was an all girls school. And that boy certainly hadn't been there two seconds ago let alone at the start of the class. It was as if ...

As if he'd just appeared there.

I peaced it together then. Blonde hair, tan skin, suddenly appearing, and saying I was cheating and telling me he was proud.

I sighed. "Apollo?" I asked. He turned to face me and winked, giving me a grin. The girls in my class swooned, making his grin grow.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"What can I not come and see my bestie and most favourite oracle" (AN, IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO WRITE ORACLE WRITE I KEPT WRITING ORAKLE OR ORACKE) he asked, standing up ... a slice of pizza in his hand. I started to pack my bag.

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