Frazels' Bundle of ..... // Part 1

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"Ok so now that we've finished with the rough outline of our sketches we're going to start adding details" Hazel told the class of 7th graders who sat at their easels in a large circle, in the centre stood a beautiful vase of flowers. "And then after we've added the details we can start on adding col-" Hazel was cut off mid sentence as a sickening feeling washed over her.

She grabbed onto a cabinet filled with the 6th graders  clay models of world monuments, to steady herself. "Are you ok Mrs Zhang?" a student asked.

Hazel straighntened herself, "erm yes, I'm fine, thank you Jonas .. what were we talking about?"

"Adding more detail to our sketches"

"Right yes, well then, while you all get started with that I'll just be down the hall, and I don't want to here a peep coming from this classroom, or else tomorrow you can all help me clean all of the many paintbrushes that are on that back shelf, am I understood?" With one last stern but kind look at her class she stepped out into the cool hallway of Hillusberry Middle School. She made her way to the teachers toilets and locked the door behind her.

She still felt nauseos, and she felt a headache creeping up on her. Hazel  ran the cold tap and wiped down her face to cool herself down.

She wondered if she was catching that stomache bug that had wiped out the whole of class E (AN I don't know how American schools name their classes so just work with me here), not two weeks ago. Maybe that's why she'd been feeling tired lately, and why she'd started having more headaches and feeling all around achey.

Hazel sighed. If she didn't feel any better by the weekend she'd take a trip to New York, through the portal that connected the two camps, (meaning she didn't have to drive for hours from San Fransisco to New York), and visit Will at the hospital he worked at to see if he could find what was wrong with her.

She'd been gone five minutes already, better get back before pencils start flying everywhere.

Hazel walked back into her class. And of course they were talking, but she didn't mind that. What caught her attention was the disgusting smell floating around the room. Hazel the room and saw Dominic Potter (AN Don't judge its late and I cant think of any other last name!) with his backpack on his knee and he was eating something.

"Mr Potter?" she called, "what are you doing?"

Hazel walked closer to him, and saw he was eating sticks of beef jerky (AN - So many ANs this time but I have a question, does this have a potent smell? If not just pretend it does) and stinking up her classroom. "Its the last class of the day Dominic, could you not wait another .." she looked down at the dainty watch on her wrist, "17 minutes to eat that outside".

With each step closer to him, the nauseous feeling grew stronger. "Sorry Mrs Z" Dominic muttered.

"Put it away please Mr Potter", she sighed.


Finally Hazel was back home. After getting married 2 years ago Frank and Hazel had opted to live outside of Camp Jupiter, they still were a huge part of the camp, Frank was still Preator, meaning he spent a lot of time there so they did own a small cottage in New Rome, but Hazel enjoyed the freedom of living in the mortal world, she liked learning more things about the modern world.

Straight away she sat herself down at the toilet and vomited. She decided it was probably best to not wait until the weekend.


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