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Disclaimer: I do not own any media used in any of the chapters. All media uses of media belong to their creators/owners.

Name: Gabriella Fairchild

Alias: Astrid

Age: 25

Family: Unknown

--Weather Manipulation

Height: 5'9"

Intelligence: 10

Hand to Hand Combat: 9

Marksman: 9

Danger Level: 10

AUTHOR'S NOTE( As of 5/13):  So...I know that the last time I updated was a really long time ago and by a "really long time ago", I mean when I could go to the store and find anything in there. I don't know what I want to say to those of that have been reading or have been waiting for me, but I can say that I sincerely apologize. I have an updating and editing schedule for those that are curious about this book and the next.( The schedule most likely will not be posted until a few minutes after this edit is posted by the way.) However, I can say that this book will be finished by next week and hopefully with another new book posited.So,Yeah!!
And to that kept reading and asking for updates...Thank you so much!!( And thank you for not leaving hate comments!!) Until next time...

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