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"My spell is now complete." The Enchantress said scowling at the remaining team. "Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule." Turning around towards the generator, the powerful sorceress showed them true destruction of her powers.

The government satellites were being obliterated by powerful lightning strikes. " You got a move here, Flag?" Deadshot asked squinting as a very heavy downpour came down." We got to cut her heart out." Flag answered. After hearing those words, the Enchantress turned around and transformed into her previous ensemble. A gust of smoke took her place as the remaining members prepared for a fight. A hand grabbed Deadshot's shoulder and flung him backwards. The sorceress knocked Flag into the stairs.

Katana tried to her with her sword, but missed the target. Harley staggered back after being punched in the face. El Diablo attempted to hit the Enchantress as his fist was caught by her hand. " Why do you side with these weaklings ?" She asked him, only to be responded with punched from him. Captain Boomerang swung his boomerang before his leg was swiped from under him. Katana sliced the witch in half causing her to disappear.

" Where is she?" Rick questioned, looking around." I don't know ." Harley yelled back. Cackling was heard before the Enchantress appeared in front of the machine. She disappeared once again and reappeared behind Deadshot , who dodged her attack. He was able to land a punch on her but soon after was threw to the side. El Diablo burned her hands which cause her to drop her knives. Bullets pelted the Enchantress in the back, causing everyone to turn around. Lieutenant GQ , and 3 other soldiers appeared.

The Enchantress mumbled a foreign language as her hands began to glow. Large scale covered hands grabbed her lands and slammed her into one the stone pedestals. Killer Croc threw her in the air, only for her to disappear. " Enough," The Enchantress shouted angrily, " of all who faced me, you've have earned mercy. For the last time, join me or die." Harley glanced around at the others, " I'm not much of a joiner , but maybe we should."

" Hey, she's trying to take over the world." Deadshot said replied. " So? What's the world ever done for us anyway? It hates us." She said turning around to the sorceress. "Hey lady? I lost my pudding, you can get him back right?" The pigtailed woman questioned. " I can, my dear. Anything you desire . " The Enchantress spoke ,walking in front of her. " You need only bow and serve under my feet." She said, staring at Harley with her glowing yellowing eyes.

" They said the world..."

The machine began sparking as small pieces of debris came from it.

" Would come to an End..."

Everyone turned to see the baby blue light from the large device turn crimson.

" But nobody told us , how we'll perish..."

" No!!!" The Enchantress screamed , seconds before a long spear stabbed her heart out of her chest.

"God save the Innocents, God help the children ..."

Different parts of the machine exploded and turned to dust.

" No one ever ..."

The squad stared at the machine in shock and awe , while the Enchantress struggled to crawl to her heart.

" Helped the Voiceless..."

Trembling hands reached to the heart , only for it to be lifted out of the their reach.

" They saw all of us die ..."

Rick turned around and saw the Enchantress with a figure looming over her.

"And left the Innocents..."

The machine powered down and the singing was still in the air.

" Now that we know..."

The Enchantress screamed in agony, while the squad hurried over to her.

" Ignorance is Bliss..."

" Gabriella, stop ! " Deadshot yelled before shooting off her hand containing the spear. A sword touched the skin of her neck , while Rick picked up the still beating heart. The screams stopped and the singing disappeared. " Move her away from here." Rick told Katana and Captain Boomerang , who glared at Gabriella." Let's go mate." Captain Boomerang said , nudging Gabriella away. Rick showed the heart to the Enchantress.

" Bring June back..."

AN: I'm really sorry for the long hiatus . School got in the way of the book but I will try to be much more consistent in writing chapters. Thank so much for the support ! I'm sorry for the grammar, punctuations , and spelling mistakes. You readers are fantastic, ghost reader or not. This is... the singing dialogue. Sorry if the song is terrible. Also, if there are 50 or more comments saying that they dislike the new writing style , I will revert back to the old writing style.


Infinite // Rick Flag Where stories live. Discover now