Chapter 6

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-Blazes pov-

I get out of the shower and put my outfit on.(☝🏼️) I walk down to the kitchen and grab an apple and head outside. I see Niall in wolf form playing with the younger pups and I head over I sit down and Niall comes over by me. I scratch his ear and he basically purrs like a cat. I turn my head to see someone watching me from the wood. Because I don't know if it's a rouge I just decide to sound the rouge alarm.
"ROUGE!" I yell and the she wolfs run to take the children inside to the bunker. I walk over to the guy and I see that it's the rouge leader from when I was rouge. "Hey sweet cheeks." He flirts, I roll my eyes. "I'm taking you with me to be the Luna of my pack." He states.
"Oh you are? We'll see about that. And just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I'm just gonna bow down to rouge scum like you!" I say and he glares. He shifts then attacks. Let the battle begin. I dodge his first few attacks easily. He gets hold of my arm in his mouth and I take this moment to grab him by his neck and hit him against a tree. I hear the cracking of his neck. His pack of rouges comes into view and bows to me. Well shit I think I'm their Luna. Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall growl at them. I turn to them. I walk over to Niall. "I killed their Alpha, so that means I'm their leader. Can I use the cabins for their homes until I can get my own pack land for my pack to live on? Please!" I ask them. Harry's says no but the rest of them say yes. I pull them into a group hug. They walk back to the pack house to give me space with my new pack. "How many of you are there? Do you have any hurt? And I have trust in you all but if you lose that trust you won't get it back! Follow me now." I walk toward the cabins. I let them get used to the cabins and I walk back toward the pack house. I walk in and see everyone look at me. Some of the mated males glare at me. "Are you all gonna hold a grudge?! Because I stopped their Alpha if you remember! I became their Alpha! Did you want me to kill the pack that I took over? They put their trust in me and I wasn't gonna lose it! Your Alphas gave me permission to let them stay in the cabins. If your gonna be pissed at someone them be pissed at them!" Burn is fighting me for control because she doesn't like people insulting her pack. Even if she's only been in charge for like half an hour.
"There dirty rouges and rouges are meant to be killed because they kill!" One male says. And faster than you can say whoops I have him pinned by his neck on the wall. My eyes go black as I let Burn take over.
"I'd watch what you say because I was a rouge and not because I kill people but because my mates rejected my human and she couldn't take the fact that they started sleeping around!" Burn knees him in the nuts then let's him fall to the ground. "Does anyone else have anything to say about my pack of "rouges"?" Burn looks around and nobody says anything. "That's what I thought!" She says and walks out slamming the back door which happens to be glass and it shatters. She keeps walking and then gives me back control. "You good?" I ask her "What do you fucking think?"
"Good point." She lays back down in my head. I walk over to check on the cabins. I walk in to twins fighting. "What the hell is going on here?" I ask using my Luna voice.
"He took my clothes and I have nothing to wear." One twin said. I give the other twin a look and he gives twin 1 his clothes back.

"Can I use the field behind the pack house?" I ask Niall through mind link.
"Yup sure just don't leave to many body's." He says and I chuckle.
I walk to the field. "Everyone one in the field where I first became your Luna and hurry it the hell up." I say through pack mind link and wait. It takes about five minutes for everyone to be in the field.
"OK EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP LIKE NOW!" I say using my Luna voice . It's so quiet that if someone dropped a pin it would sound like a bomb. "Ok to start I need there to be two groups. Males on one side females on the other. Next anyone that is pregnant, injured, under fourteen, or over sixty please step forward. Anyone who stepped forward please stand over there." I said pointing.
"Now people I'm not gonna sit here and do my nails while you work out. I'm gonna be doing it with you. Other announcements I will be going shopping tonight. Tomorrow we will go shopping so you have some clothes to wear and I will see the schools around for the kids to go to. Go change into clothes you can run in you have five minutes. And you guys and gals." I say pointing to the pregnant, children under 14, and people like that. "You don't have to do this so you are free to do what ever. But stay at or around the cabins. Because right now the 1D pack members aren't happy that I'm a Luna and a Luna of what they call "a rouge pack". Everyone else five minutes to get dressed and back here." Everyone runs toward the cabins and I turn to go to my room inside the pack house.

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