Chapter 18

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Let the battle begin. Beau leads them into battle. I start by singing Amnesia and my light blue barrier goes up. The other songstress sings as soon as I finish, she sings My Heart Will Go On. Her barrier is a mint green.
Me: The Only Reason
Her: Boyfriend
Me: Little Things
And as she sings Little White Lies I decide to do something that takes a lot of energy. A songstress can sing one song and it takes around three minutes for her to recover but it weaken the other barrier a songstress can sing more than one song but it takes a lot of energy. One thing I forgot to mention is that when a songstress sings the lyrics the rest of the music flows out of her. I look over the battle and it looks like we have a good chance at winning if I can weaken the barrier. I take a deep breath and as she finishes the last line I start to sing What I Like About You, as I finish I don't take a breath I just start singing We Don't Belong. After that I sing Fallen Angles. I can see that the barrier is starting to weaken because there is holes starting to form all over the barrier. The rouges are starting to slow in fighting but my pack only fights harder. I sing In The End and I see a few of my pack members knock out the other songstress and run back through the my barrier. Oh yeah when a songstress creates a vocal barrier, the barrier only allows the side she fights for through. You might ask, "Then how did they get through the other barrier?" Well if the barrier weakens it starts to slip in who it lets in. Just as I finish singing Beau kills the last rouge. She give a winning howl and I sing our victorious battle song which is Young And Wild And Free.

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