Chapter 36

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I manage to fly back to the pack hospital in a hour. I shift and change into my undies one of Calum's shirts and shorts. I run into the hospital. I see Ashye sitting. "Ashye ......" I say and brake down crying. She pulls me into a hug. Just then a doctor comes out. "What's the news doc?" I ask him.
"She's stable but these next twenty four hours will be critical to see if she'll survive." He tells me.
"Can we see her?" I ask and he nods leading us to her room. And when I see her I lose it. Her face is black and blue. And she's so pale. Ashye holds me as I cry.
That night we aren't aloud to stay in her room so we sleep in the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room. I fall asleep on Ashyes lap.
I watch as a man stabs Beaus chest with a needle and she goes into cardiac arrest and I can't do anything to stop it.
-Dream End-
I shoot out of Ashyes lap waking her. I run to Beaus room. The man is standing over her. So I tackle him. I hold his hands above his head. "Who the hell do you think you are and why are you in here!?" I almost yell.
"I my dear am the man who put her in the hospital and I can to finish my job. I plan to kill her." And I see black and smell blood. When I come to I'm laying down at the foot of Beaus bed and the mans dead body is on the floor. "Blaze." A voice calls. It's Beau she's awake.

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