Chapter 47

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I get out of bed and walk downstairs leaving Sam to sleep. As I walk down I hear growling. I speed walk outside me I find a circle of people. And Calum and Luke circling each other. As they lunge at each other I grab both of their muzzles and push them into the ground. Then I quick move my hand and grab one of each of their ears. I'm pregnant and sick of their bull shit. I drag them up the office. I push them in and lock the door. "What the hell was going on out there?! I'm sick of your bullshit and shift back and face me like men!" I yell. They flatten their ears and whimper. "Fine if that's how it's gonna be. You too are sleeping on the floor not the couch the floor and this is your only warning." I say and walk out slamming the door. I walk up to our room and see Ashton taking a nap. I do a evil grin. I shut the door. I splash water on my pants. "OWW ASHY IT HURTS HELP THE BABY." I yell and he shoots out of bed and runs to me. "Babe what happened who did this too you?" I pretend another wave of pain.
"OWW THE BABIES." He gets up to go. "Wait ashy I've ........." I take a deep breath "pranked you." His jaw drops. I'm the queen of pranks. Bow down peasants.

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