Chapter 13

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"I'm gonna miss you so much." I say as I cry into Niall's shirt.
"I know babe but you said you would go." He says and I feel his tears fall on my head.
"I'll call and skype and FaceTime and text and visit when I can. I love you so much your the best guy best friend  girl could ask for." I sob into his shirt. He kisses my forehead and I hug him one more time before I walk to my jeep and get in. I watch as the pack house gets smaller and the tears start up again.
"Pull over." I say to Jax who's driving.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because I need to pee really bad." I say in a duh tone. He pulls over and I walk into the woods and pee. Man did that feel good. As I walk back something moves scaring me. I look and it's a small cat like creature. "Do you have a name little one?" I ask it.
"Puff Puff." It says back.
"Do you wanna come live with me Puff Puff?" Puff Puff nodded. I pick her up and walk back to the jeep. SA barks at Puff Puff and she hisses at him. "You two I'm not doing this the whole way there. Get along or so help me I will tie you two together." I say and they stop. I sleep for most of the ride. I wake up around ten minutes before we get there and my nerves are killing me. I'm about to make Jax turn around. But we end up pulling into the drive way before I can. I hope out of the jeep holding a sleeping Puff Puff followed by SA. I take a deep breathe and walk up to the door and ring the bell. Calum answers the door. SA runs into the house. Calum gives me a look. "That's surprise Attack. He likes pizza and he's kinda like the pack mascot."
"Who the fuck stole my pizza?!" Someone asks from inside. Calum and I quickly walk over. I see Surprise Attack eating a slice of pizza with his tail wagging. And a very angry guy. Wait that's my older brother Chase. He looks at Calum with a mad expression until his eyes land on me. And they soften. Suddenly I'm being hugged and I stiffen. Puff Puff wakes up and starts scratching and biting Chase. "What the fuck ow. What is that thing?" He say pointing to Puff Puff. "This is Puff Puff and she's my pet and that over there is Surprise Attack he's kinda like my packs mascot." I say.
"Ok nice family reunion but can you go talk to Ash and Mikey?" Calum says breaking up the happy mood. I nod and walk to Ashton's room. I knock. The door opens just enough so I can see Ashton. He throws open the door and hugs me. He starts sobbing into my shoulder and mumbling about how sorry he is. Puff Puff jumps on his shoulder and rubs her head on his head. "Hey Ashton I think Puff Puff likes you. And go shower now please you stink." He nods and turns to go but I grab his wrists he winches. I pull up his sleeve and kiss some of his scars.
"I love you and I've kissed your scars the love hasn't stopped. Please don't cut anymore. Okay Ashton?" He nods. I pull him in and hug him. I leave him and I go to Michaels room. I knock but there's no answer. I knock again. Still no answer. I just kick his door down. He looks at me from where he is laying in bed. He shoots up and hugs me I hug him back. He's crying on my shoulder. And at that moment Surprise Attack comes in and bangs his head against my leg. When I don't give him any attention he barks. Still nothing so he jumps up and licks Michaels face. It startled Michael. Michael lets go and pulls my hand so I can sit down on his bed I sit down and. He holds me for along time before he lets go. I leave to let him freshen up and I go to my new room.

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