Chapter 7

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I change into my training outfit. (☝🏼️) I head out so see just about everyone. "Okay so to start we are doing five laps around the house and field." I say and the groans of not wanting to do it starts. "Keep that up it will ten laps." I say then everyone starts to run me included. By the third lap everyone's slowing down but I speed up until I'm tackled by a big ball of fur? Wtf!? It starts licking my face. I see most of my pack staring. It's a Great Dane and he looks like he has been out there for a long time. I'll keep him. "Keep running everyone there's nothing to see so keep it moving." Everyone starts running. I get up and the Great Dane followed me. I walk into the pack house and head to Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall's office. I walk in with out knocking. "So I found a dog can I keep it? Please he doesn't have a owner?" I say and look down to where he's supposed to be and panic to see he's not there. I walk fast out of there and take a deep breath to smell where he is. I follow his scent to the kitchen where the packs Beta Greg is sitting getting ready to eat a large slice of pizza. But he gets up to grab something to drink and right at that moment the Great Dane who I've decided to call Surprise Attack grabs the pizza off the plate and runs over to me. "Where's my pizza?" Greg asks.
"Umm my dog got to it." I say back. He grumbles and walks away. I turn and make sure Surprise Attack is following me. I get back to the office with a happy dog. I open the door and SA (Surprise Attack) runs in and jumps on the couch and starts to eat the stolen pizza. Liam and Louis give me weird looks. "He stole Greg's pizza and I didn't have the heart to take it away. Oh yeah can one of you give him a bath because I have to get back to training? Thanks you guys are the best." I say and run out.

Outside everyone is waiting. "Forty curl ups and twenty push ups." I say as I lay down to do the curl ups. I finish and start doing one handed push ups. I finish and watch everyone else until there done. "Okay that's all we'll do today. Go relax and I'll go to the store in an hour." I say as I walk off.

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