Chapter 5

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**Alex’S POV**

“What’ve you got first?” I ask Scarlett as she takes a seat beside me at the breakfast table.

“Divination,” she replies, “how’re you feeling this morning?”

“I have killer cramps,” I reply, “I have Divination first too.”

“Me too,” Felicity says, joining us, “I can’t wait to be able to tell my future.”

She winks at Fred who chokes on his porridge juice. Scarlett thumps him on the back.

“I can’t wait for Care of Magical Creatures,” she says, “I hope we get to learn about really dangerous animals.”

“No, that would be scary!” Felicity shivers, glancing at Fred who is mopping milk off the front of his robes. Felicity looks frustrated.

“Do you like him?” I ask as Scarlett, Felicity and I walk upstairs to Divination.

“Duh, he’s cute,” Felicity says, applying some lip gloss.

“Can you even tell them apart?” Scarlett asks. Felicity shrugs, brushing her hair.

“I just want one of them to ask me out,” Felicity says, “my aim is to have a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day.”

“I suppose you have a marriage plan too?” Scarlett asks sweetly.

“Well, actually, I-” Felicity narrows her eyes as she realises that Scarlett is teasing her. Scarlett smirks and climbs the ladder to the Divination room.

“It stinks up here,” she mutters, wrinkling her nose. The air is thick with incense and all the windows are closed.

“We’ll suffocate,” Scarlett says, tugging a window open a crack. I sink into an armchair and look around at the rest of the class. There’s a few girls from Hufflepuff and one from Slytherin, but no boys except-


Tommy climbs up from the trapdoor and grins.

“Hey,” he says quietly, sitting down and pulling his book out.

“I didn’t know you chose Divination!” I say as Scarlett and Felicity pull up chairs with us.

“Yeah,” he shrugs, “thought I’d try it out.”

“That’s great!” Felicity says enthusiastically. Tommy gives her a confused smile.


I leap out of my skin as a bug-like woman appears, draped in shawls despite the heat.

“Divination is an art,” she says, her voice trembling dramatically. Felicity is braiding her hair and Scarlett is staring out the window at the Quidditch pitch. Tommy is watching the teacher with a slightly blank expression on his face.

“Please, collect your tea cups,” she says. I lead the group over and pick up a blue patterned cup and return to my seat.

“Mmm, tea,” Scarlett jokes, taking a sip and making a face. I take a sip and grimace. The tea is bitter and has a strong after taste. Scarlett swirls her dregs and puts her cup upside down to let it drain. I copy her and then we swap cups.

“I think you’re going to be involved in a fight with some kind of sloppy, brown mixture,” Scarlett says seriously, “possibly mud or tea leaves.”

I grin at her and flick through my book.

“There’s a butterfly,” I murmur, “which means freedom, a cat, betrayal and what seems to be a storm cloud, which is chaos.”

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