Chapter 11

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**Alex’s POV**

“Tomorrow the holidays begin!” George cries jubilantly, flopping down on the couch and stretching out over us. Scarlett grins at him and ruffles his hair.

“Are you lot off home?” Scarlett asks.

“Yep,” I reply, “back to my brothers.”

“Don’t sound so delighted,” Fred laughs, “we’re staying here. Mum and Dad are off gallivanting around the world.”

“Carma and I are staying too,” Scarlett says, “Mum’s… Having some time with her current boyfriend.”

“Anyone else staying?” Carma asks. Everyone shakes their heads.

“So it’s just the four of us,” George says, “we can have a double date to Christmas dinner!”

“Excuse me?” Felicity huffs, “I think not!”

“He’s joking, Felicity,” Scarlett says, rolling her eyes, “take a chill pill.”

“As if she needs it in this weather,” Jace says, shivering.

“I’m going to miss being able to use magic,” I sigh, “I can’t wait until I’m seventeen.”

“It’s a couple of weeks, Alex,” Scarlett points out, “it won’t kill you.”

“I know, but when I’m seventeen I can turn my brothers into frogs,” I laugh.

“I need to pack,” Angelina mumbles, stretching, “come on you lot.”

We drag our feet upstairs and begin the slow process of packing our bags.

“Lauretta, why are you taking everything home?” I ask, “we’ll be back soon.”

“I want to study over the break,” she replies shortly. I exchange a shrug with Angelina and don’t comment further.

“Time for tearful farewells,” George says as Sophina, Lauretta, Angelina, Alicia, Felicity, Jace, Lee, Henry, Tommy, Adam, Tobias and I prepare to leave. Felicity makes a beeline for Fred who gives her a quick hug, then ducks over to Lee.

“See you guys after the break,” I say, giving Carma and Scarlett a hug, “have a good Christmas.”

On the train the boys and girls spilt into two compartments, save Henry and Sophina who get their own.

“I miss him already,” Felicity sighs, staring back at the castle. I make a face behind her head. Angelina sees me and giggles.

“What?” Felicity snaps, “I do! He’s my boyfriend for heaven’s sake!”

Angelina rolls her eyes.

“This will be a long trip,” she mutters to me.

About nine long, Fred-and-Felicity filled hours later the train pulls into platform 9 ¾.

“I’m exhausted,” Angelina sighs, “what is it about sitting down for a whole day that makes me so tired?”

“No idea,” I yawn.

We shuffle through the barrier and I look around for Mum and Dad.

“Bye Alex,” Angelina says, walking away with her parents and little sister.

“See ya, Al,” Tommy says as he leaves with his older brother. Soon all my friends are gone and the platform is empty except for a few muggles taking late trains. I sit down on my trunk and wish Archibald was with me. I check the time and sigh. It’s almost seven-thirty.

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