Chapter 20: The Confirmation

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"I can't! I'm sorry, but I really have to go. I'm in a hurry." I said, as I ran to where Chase is. I spotted him with a couple boys I don't know, but I shrugged that off and went towards him.

"Chase, come on. We have to go. We'll be late!" I said frantically, but he just looked at me, amusement swirling in his shining green eyes.

"You know, you should let loose once in a while. Letting loose is not actually that bad." He suggested, but I just glared at him.

"You do know that we have to be there in like, thirty minutes, right?" I asked, making sure if he remembers and if he knows.

He laughed, and said, "Of course I do. But, don't worry. We'll be there in time."

I let out a long grunt of frustration, while the two boys he's with just laughed at me. "Dude, I don't know why you had to be involved with Amber Lee. You and Amber already look good together." The boy he's with, the one with dark brown hair, remarked, while smiling at both Chase and I.

Then, without warning, I burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh. That's such a great joke!" I laughed, making them look at me in a confused manner.

I mean, I do like the guy, but not exactly to the point where I want to date him. Fake dating him is already awkward enough, but dating him for real? No way! Because besides the fact that it'd be more awkward, my brothers would kill me. I might hate them for now, but I still care about them and about they think.

"I'm not joking, you know." The same boy informed me, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would you even say we'd look great together? And how'd you know me anyway?" I asked suspiciously, while the other boy with blonde hair let out an angelic laugh. No, seriously. I'm not kidding. His laugh is seriously so angelic, you could listen to it all day.

"Everyone knows who you are. You're basically popular already." He said, and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"How?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Chase, Austin, and Aiden." He answered simply, and I instantly got the message. I pursed my lips together and just shrugged. I turned to look at Chase, only to find out that he was already looking at me.

I felt blood rush to my cheeks, but I tried slowing it down. Bottling up the courage to look up, I looked at Chase again and shaked his arm repeatedly. "We have to go. If we don't go now, we'd surely be late!" I whined, while the three boys just laughed at me.

"Alright, alright. But, let me introduce you to the guys first. This one here," he started, referring to the boy with dark brown hair. "This is Brian. And this," he paused, referring to the boy with an angelic laugh. "This is Sean."

I smiled at them, and they smiled back. "It's nice to meet you guys." I said nicely, although, there's really no need to, considering they just saw the annoying and whiny part of me.

"Hey, Chase, if you and Amber Lee would really get together, could I have Amber here?" Brian asked, grinning at Chase widely, while mine and Chase's eyes looked like it was about to fly out of our sockets.

Sean shook his head in disappoint and said, "Bri, how many times have I told you? Girls are not toys nor are they prizes."

My head snapped up to Sean in surprised, astonished by the fact that chivalry is still present in his dictionary.

"Sean, seriously, you're too much of a gentleman. Let loose a little bit." Brian remarked, but Sean just gave him a blank stare.

"Wow. I never thought chivalry is still present in your dictionary." I informed, voicing my thoughts for the first time. In an instant, their heads snapped up to meet mine, and they looked at me with mouth agape. Well, Chase and Brian at least.

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