Chapter Sixty One

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In the blink of an eye, I realized that an age old conflict had finally come to an end.

The low and confused grunts of demons made me aware of what had just occurred, even though I witnessed it myself. As the bright light faded, I paid no heed to the retreating demons. My gaze was trained solely on the hunched figure of Joan.

She was injured and tired, panting loudly as she stood there drenched in her own blood. She could not hear it, but my heart thumped wildly. She had done it, Joan had defeated Satan. She had injured him so gravelly, he had been forced back to Hell, where he would stay for a great many centuries recovering. I should not have been surprised, so overcome by disbelief. I knew it was meant to happen, I knew she would have won. But none of those thoughts calmed the frantic fluttering inside me.

She heard as I approached but did not look up, leaning against her sword. I knelt down and offered her support, waving a hand and sealing up her injuries. She gladly accepted my hand, reaching up to now lean against my shoulder. I felt another jolt of guilt run through me at the distant, empty look in her eyes.

It was my fault she was like this. No one was to be blamed for what had occurred today other than myself, but even if I wished for things to have transpired differently, I knew it could not be so. The day's events had occurred perfectly, just as I knew they would.

"Heidi." Joan croaked, glancing over at her. "We should hurry; we are down to the last few minutes."

"Yes, of course." I murmured, helping her across to the pool. The inner ward was empty now, the demons having disappeared now that their master was beaten. As we lurched and hobbled over to the pool, Joan straightened up, swaying on her feet a little but steadying herself. She then looked at me and gave a sad smile.

"This is it." She commented, brushing the hair back from her bloodstained face. "It's finally time."

"Indeed it is." I murmured. I could feel my heart sinking, the idea striking me for the first time. I had never realized that the day I would be sealed would be my last day on earth. It filled me with sorrow I had never known before.

No, I must not feel this way. I scolded. I have a duty to fulfill. Besides, I had no such sentiments when Joan tried to seal me away earlier. Why should I feel this way now?

But I knew the answer to that question. There was a reason I had not been bothered at that time, because I had known the first attempt would have been unsuccessful. I had not known what little time I had left, caught up as I was in making sure everything proceeded as I had foreseen.

Guilt had been my constant companion that day, and even now it nudged me with an accusing grin upon its face. Coupled with sorrow, it was a dreadful combination. I felt as if I would break down at any moment. I did not want to leave. I did not want things to happen as they did. It hurt, it hurt to watch it all and be too helpless to intervene.

I was brought out of my musing as Joan put her arms around me, hugging me close. Unable to stop myself, I began to cry, clinging to her like my childish alter ego would.

"I'll miss you Heidi." Joan whispered, kissing the top of my head. "Thank you for everything."

Those words made me sob even louder, tears trickling down uncontrollably. I forgot I was the Godling, one of the most powerful beings in the world. At that moment, I just wanted to be Heidi, the little girl who loved happy endings, the little girl who just wanted to be with the ones she loved.

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