#27:How to; Getting a boy to like you

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People say, girls are from venus and boys are from mars, which I completely agree with. So when you have your eye on a certain hottie, it can be difficult to get him to like you as boys are really confusing creatures. Here are some of my tips to get a boy to like you.

Warning: Don't, under any circumstances change your personality, clothes, hair style (you get the point) for him. As cliche as this sounds; just be yourself. It isn't worth being fake, he'll figure it out sooner or later. Everyone deserves someone who will love them for who they truly are; flaws and strengths included. If he doesn't appreciate you at your worst, then he sure as hell doesn't deserve you at your best; keep that in mind. And also, make sure you have no spinach in your teeth, that would be totally awkward.

Step 1- Do your research on him. Come on, don't act as if you don't stalk his facebook profile. We all do that. It's perfectly normal. Gather some basic background knowledge on him. You know, just to make sure he isn't a crack addict or something. Hahahaha just kidding...no but seriously...looks can be decieving! Who knows that quiet nerd in your maths might also be a secret spy or something, just saying.. 

Step 2- Once your target is spotted, operation 'GABTLY' ((a.k.a- getting a boy to like you- sorry I suck donkeys ass (not literally ew) at abbreviations -.- )) ,is now in action. The most important thing to do is to get him to notice you, or else this mission would be impossible (see what i did there? no? okay.. i'll just shutup now) Now, i'm not saying go ahead and run around butt naked, which will fosho get his attention- but that is besides the point. This can be by simply by sending him a smile every now and then. Not the I-am-totally-eye-raping-you-this-second creepy-cheshire-cat smile, more along the lines of hey-I-am-just-a-ray-of-sunshine-and-I-love-smiling-at-everyone-for-no-apparent-reason kind of smile. He will really appreciate your chirpy genuine mood, rather than the faker-than-barbie-airheads that surround him.

Step 3- Okay, so now we've finished smiling like pedos at him, we need to strike a convo ASAP, or he'll probably get freaked out and think we have mental issues. But before we do anything, we need to calm those butterflies that are going crazy in our stomachs - to prevent us from saying something stupid like, 'Do you like cheese?'. If your at school and you need any help with work, simply ask him. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind. 

Step 4- So now that he has knowledge of your existence and has talked to you before, we can proceed with the next step. Talk to him more! Whether its about his favourite icecream flavour, band or burger- it's the random things that will help you get to know him better.

Step 5- Yay! You two are almost on the verge of friendship! Now we need to take it to the next level. Hanging out together outside of school. Go watch the new Hobbit movie he was dying to see, help him babysit his little sister, trim his nose hairs - I don't know! And remember to add in a few flirty lines here and there.

Step 6- Once you've succeeded in making him have some interest in you, you can't forget this crucial reminder. Don't text him like every 2 seconds, no one likes a clingy girl. Instead play hard to get, guys love a good chase.  And frankly, which girl wouldn't love to be chased after? I know I would!

Step 7- Congratulations! Have fun on your date this weekend, I told you it would work! And if -for some craycray reason- he hasn't asked you out yet, then go ahead and ask him,girlfriend. Don't be shy, there's nothing wrong with that. If he turns you down or shows no signs of interest, dont worry. As cliche as this sounds, there are plenty of fish out there in the sea. Maybe your just better of as friends, it's probably for the best. You know what they say, 'find a guy that will ruin your lipstick, rather than your mascara'.

Thanks as always for your support! Sorry this chapter was a little bit lengthier than most- I had alot of points to get across. So I hope I did it justice. Show us some love by following, voting, commenting or requesting any suggestions below!

Until next time,

Aya :3( @Dream_Catchersxo )

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