#68: How to; Perfect, Non-Clumpy Lashes!

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Dedicated to @letoureiffel

Mascara is a very useful product that is used to emphasis the beauty of your eyes, either by adding length, curl and volume, or all of the above! When its done correctly it can make such a difference to your appearance, makng you look just fab. Ever feel as if there is a spider on your eyelashes or your lashes sticking and clumping together as if the world is going to end? Or both? Well don't worry because the dreamteeam is here to help you out and let you in some of our biggest secrets to clump free, long, thick lashes!

Tip 1-  Well, the first thing that could be going wrong is the best before date of your mascara. And no, they don't actually have these, but how convenient would it be if they did? 'Experts' say that you should change up your mascara atleast every 3 months. Now at first I thought that this was some bullshit method to convince us into wasting our precious moolah on mascaras we don't even need. But then I got conjunctivitus...so lesson learned.  Since the eye is quite a sensitive area, the bacteria that builds up with frequent use of your mascara can be very harmful! Even though this has nothing got to do with the tutorial topic, I though I'd give you guys a heads up!

Tip 2:  Moisturizing. And no I don't mean the regular facial moisturizing, I mean the eyelash kind! Have you ever tried putting vaseline on your eyelashes? It works wonders! If you wear mascara quite often, it can dry out your lashes, and can even cause them to shed! Eukh- I know right! So next time you slab on some lipbalm, try adding it to your eyelashes aswell! This will also help the mascara to not get clumpy.

Tip 3: Curling your eyelashes. I cannot stress enough how important this step is. Especially if you wear glasses, then you know how annoying it is when your lashes hit the lens. 

Tip 4: The mascara application. Since we done a tutorial on the best mascaras to use and more tips, check out our mascara guide, #13 - tutorial number thirteen :) Personally, my fave is Covergirl's Clump Crusher. I also reccommend using a lash primer, which will ensure your mascara's lasting power throughout the day.

Tip 5: Here's a secret tip that I swear by everyday and is so totally under-rated. Grab a lash comb, or any fine comb would do, and comb it through your eyelashes before and after the application. This really does help with seperating- you would be amazed!

Tip 6: I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels like punching a wall when i get mascara all around my eyes during the application. And it's not like i'm going for the panda effect or anything, it's just that  I can't help it! no matter how hard I try. So grab any old business card, credit card or gift card (etc) and place it right above your top lash line, on your top eyelid, and pull it gently up. Now you can apply as much as mascara as your heart desires without it getting everywhere. You can also repeat this step on the bottom aswell.

A/N: I know, I know don't kill me! We haven't been updating 6 days a week like we used to, which you guys enjoyed :) Because we're in Year 10 now achool work and stress has been polluting our lives. So Tasy, Aamna and I decided to update once a week from now on, which is all our busy schedule will allow us to. Nevertheless, keep on voting and requesting you sexy little thangs!

See you in a few,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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