#46: How to; Perfect Selfie

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Dedicated to @crazygirl541 for the request. I say this so much but you can also get a dedication by requesting.

One of the most frustrating things ever is trying to take the perfect selfie. Sometimes it seems as though no matter what you try you can't snap a single flattering pic of yourself. Your face just looks distorted or one eye looks bigger than the other. Yes it happens.

I know you know what I mean because honestly how many selfies do you take before you like one and find it worth uploading onto Insta or Facebook?

Below are just a few things that can help you take better selfies and show how pretty you really are :)

1) Be in good lighting. Always have the sun or light or whatever shine towards your face, not behind it. If your light source is behind you your face is covered by shadows and you won't even be able to see your face, just the light shining behind it. If your light is in front of your face it causes your face to glow. 

2) Pose with a pretty background. A spring or summer based background may help to enhance your picture. And no I don't mean you Photoshop a background in the back, I mean stand outside and take the photo. If you are not really an outdoors person, take the picture in a clean background. Oh and if you are outside make sure there isn't something ugly behind you like a broken fence (just saying).

3) Avoid the usual mistakes and smile. A smile looks so much better than the extremely overused and infamous duck face. Other common mistakes people make while taking selfies are flexing unnecessarily (ugh this gets me so aggravated) , pretending to be asleep and pretending to look somewhere else. These make it look as though the photo is taken by someone else and yeah well that kind of defeats the point of a selfie. Smiling is the most charming facial expression so you know experiment with different types of smiles. Avoid that creepy stalker smile though, that might scare off a few people though ;)

4) Use flattering effects. Just because your favorite celebrity uses Valencia and they look hot in their pictures doesn't mean it will suit you too. Experiment with different filters until you find one that suits you, even if it is one no one has ever heard of.

5) Don't be a compliment fisher. Yes I said it.  Avoid captions like 'OMG I'm so ugly' and 'I look hideous' etc. It doesn't take very long to figure out that you want to be complimented and eventually someone will say it. I know this has nothing to do with taking better selfies but I just wanted to include it in.

6) Try to use an appropriate angle. If you think you have a fat stomach, take a photo while lying down on your back from the top view.

7) Focus on the features of your face you like. If you like your lips take the photo by tilting the camera up from a little below your face. This will make your lips look more full. If you want to focus on your eyes then prop them with mascara and eyeliner.

8) Use a good camera. Honestly a good camera can do wonders. On my phone when I tried taking a selfie it would flip it sideways and upside down. So not cool so I decide to take the selfie by flipping my phone upside down but the photo still came upside down ugh. Yeah that wasn't related either but I thought I could get my point across by sharing a life story.

That's all I can think of for now. I just want to say if anything offended you I'm sorry. If you love the duck face then use it :P

If you have any other tips on how to take the perfect selfie comment below and I'll make sure to add them in.

If you have a request, comment below or PM us. Its a lot easier and not mention more fun when we fulfill a request rather than writing a tutorial of our own.

Anyway happy new year from me since I won't be uploading until next year, which reminds me what are your plans for new year?

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Aamna @Fairy_Floss

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