#47: How to; Be yourself

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#47: How to; Be yourself

It's hard to be yourself, especially well there's people and all these other factors around you that influence you to be someone you don't want to be. When you find someone pretty on tumblr and find them as that perfect person you want to be, you start copying everything they do, how they act, dress, etc.

But really, there is no one better to be than yourself because copying or just trying to be someone you aren't [which is not a good idea, because you'll probably fail at being anyone but you.] - it doesn't make you unique. So here are some tips to show you how you can be unique, different and most importantly the amazing person you are - your perfect self. 

                                                    "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."

1. Stop caring about what others think -
This is honestly the most important thing you have to do to be yourself, well in my opinion. As long as you care about what everyone around you says and thinks about you, you'll never be able to be your true self. I mean if everyone labels you as fat, ugly, stupid or whatever and you believe in what they say then you'll try to change yourself.

You should take into consideration of what others tell you but don't do something like change your style, start doing things you don't want too just so you can be accepted by people

2. Don't aim to please others - If theres this new fashion trend that is so not you, but everyone else including your friends are obsessed with it; it doesn't mean you have to follow them. You have your own opinion and style, you shouldn't try to fit in by wearing the clothes everyone else wears, but wear what you feel comfortable in.

You shouldn't try to do things you do like to impress your friends or a group of popular people just so you can be accepted. If you are yourself then you'll find people you truly love you and care about you.

3. Accept your faults - You need to accept the fact that you have a big nose, you don't have the perf body or you have wide feet. Even if you aren't the image of perfection displayed throughout the media, you are unique in every single way and being unique is what makes you - yourself.

Once you've accepted all your faults and learn to be okay with them, you'll find it much easier to be yourself. You'll know that you don't need to have long hair to be pretty, you can feel free to show off your short hair. Just be happy with the way you are [I know it's verrry hard..] it's all your imperfections that make you perfect. 

4. Have a carefree attitude - So you don't care about what others think, you aren't trying to be someone else to impress people and you know that you're not perfect - because lets face it no one it. Now you need to know that everyone makes mistakes, including you. You shouldn't worry about what could happen if you be yourself, life is full of surprises and you might end up surprising your self with the end result. You might find new friends who appreciate you for who you are, just think more positively and it won't be so scary. 

5. Find yourself - Whether it's the way you talk, walk or dress - it is all you. So try and figure out what it is that makes you exactly who you are. Everyone likes certain music, clothes, foods,etc. The point is if you want to be yourself and show everyone who you truly are, then you need to know who you are yourself. Instead of listening to the songs everyone else seems to be loving, listen to the songs that you want too.

6. Find people with interests similar to yours - Sometimes you feel like you have no friends or no one to talk to, simply because you have nothing in common with the people you call friends. I mean what do you talk about with someone that doesn't like anything you do?

So that's when you start acting like someone else and try being anyone but you - more interesting like the person that everyone wants to talk too. This is why you should try and find friends who like similar things as you do. This not only makes it easier for you to be well you, you'll also have some great company. 

7. Accept the fact that not everyone will like you - Okay, it's hard to be yourself because some people just don't like you as yourself. I don't even know if that made sense, but what I mean is some people won't like you for who you are. It's hard to accept that, but truth is those people aren't worth your time. You could be making friends with someone who actually likes you for who you are instead of wasting time changing yourself for that person you just truly doesn't like you at all. 


Author's Note: 

Hey everyone! Okay, so I figured this would be a good tutorial - so like you can start next year as yourself. Yeah half of all that probably didn't make sense but I hope it helped you. 

Can anyone else believe that an entire year has just passed, I'm sad because this year has been pretty amazing; but a new year means new beginnings and a chance to fix things. 

What are your new years resolutions? Comment below - my favorite one gets a dedication & follow! ahah

Happy New Year to all you gorgeous people! Around two hours and twenty minutes till 2014 :') 

'don't forget to leave any tutorial requests below c:'

- (rainbowunic0rn) tasy xx

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