Unexpected Couple

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Chapter 6

It was time for school. Jinxx insisted on taking me to school. Andy was running late, he had an interview. I have my temps, I just don't feel like going through the whole driving shit.

Anyway, we got into the car and Jinxx immediately kissed me.

"God I've been waiting for that all night!" He said.

I giggled.

I kept looking out the window. Maybe sneaking around isn't the best thing... I mean Jinxx means a lot to me, but I don't want Andy to put him in jail. It just doesn't feel right... Dating him and having sex. Don't get me wrong the sex is phenomenal... But it's not right... I'm 17... I need to tell him what's on my mind.

"Hey sweetie." I said turning to him.

"Yes hon?" He said taking my hand in his.

"I don't think the whole sex thing is right... Ashley is right, I'm 17 and if Andy finds out, you're in jail.... Baby we can date, it's just... The sex has to wait a month. Please Jinxx... It'd be worse if we kept having sex..." I said.

"I get it baby, I was going to talk to you about it later. Maybe you or I could convince Andy to at least let us date... He only said something about sex, not dating." He sounded sincere.

"I'll talk to him tonight... I'll see you later baby. I love you!" I kissed his cheek and got out of the car.

Why didn't he say I love you back?

I didn't let that bother me.

Today I got to go to the college where I'm doing my courses. That'll get my mind off of everything.

I walked into the door of the college and my friend Becky was already waiting for me. She ran up to me and asked what happened yesterday. I can trust this girl with anything so I told her.

"So he picked you up... took you to his house.. Told you to put lingerie on... and you lost your virginity?!?" She was so excited.

"Yes in that order. And I heard Andy talking to Ashley this morning.... I hear he is kind of lonely, you know... looking for a girl." I nudged her.

"OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! IM UP FOR GRABS!!!!" She was jumping up and down.

Probably not the best thing to do at a college.

"I'll talk to him about it, you're 18, so your parents cant say anything. But just be careful hon, you know how he is when he is drunk." I warned her.

"Yes and I want that!!" Her eyes widened.

"Well I'll text him and I'll ask him if you can have his number." I smiled.

"OMG thank you!!!" She hugged me.

We walked to separate halls, I had texted Ashley.

Hey hey I got a girl that wants you ;)

Who?? O.o

My friend Becky, she wants your number and she has been in love with you since me and he became friends. :3

Well give her my number and see what happens ;)

Okie pokie :D

I wasn't going to text any more, telling Becky she was about to get Ashley Purdy's should be said in person.

The day felt like it dragged on forever. It was last period with 5 minutes left. Andy was picking me up. We were going to the studio to record some more of the "Wretched and Divine" album. I loved every song.

Jinxx, Ashley, and Jake were all there. CC was on his way.

"Alright guys, we have to get In The End done today." Andy said.

"But dude we have other songs to do." Ashley said.

"Well In The End is the one that we will put out to the public."

"Alright fine."

I swear they act like children sometimes.

I walked over to Jinxx and hugged him tightly. Andy we were friends... Just not dating.

"So have you talked to him yet?" He said smiling.

"No I was going to make his favorite dinner tonight, and then have Juliet help me."

"When did she find out?"

"She hasn't yet, but I can trust her."

"Alright sweetheart." He kissed my head and grabbed his violin.

I loved it when he played "Overture"... He seems so peaceful when he plays... Its different, I like it.

I like him.

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