Unexpected Couple

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Chapter 8

It was Thursday morning. I must have had another nightmare... I woke up sweating, and Jinxx was in my bed. I sometimes have nightmares about losing Andy, or even the whole band. They make music that I can relate to... I remember when Andy wrote Saviour.
It was 4th grade year.... I went to a new school, and it was a month into school. Andy had just gotten custody of me. People kept calling me ugly.... and saying mean things, and told the new kids to not talk to me.... This followed me into the next year... I was home, Andy was taking a shower. I only had 10 minutes... I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and did 5 cuts... they burned so bad but a sense of relief came over me. I grabbed a smaller knife and locked myself in my room. Almost every week I was cutting... They kept multiplying and got a little bit deeper... Andy never knew. I had a secret... I knew he used to get bullied but I don't want him to know I was.
He eventually found out.... He grabbed a piece of paper and began to write...
After 3 hours of writing, he came up to me, hugged me tightly and I felt one tear fall onto my shoulder.
He set me on his lap, and started to sing Saviour in his sweetest voice....
-Flashback Over

God that always makes me tear up... Every time I felt sad, I would listen to that song over and over again. My eyes would be dry from crying... Nobody knew how bad I had it until they saw my arms.

Andy's POV
She seemed so happy... Her smile hid something so dark. I didn't know what to do... I didn't do anything when I was bullied. I sang her that song and she seemed so peaceful... She closed her eyes and listened to every word I sang. I didn't want her to go too deep... Shes my only daughter damn it! I cant fucking lose her!!! God how could I have been so blind? I know she had a smile on her face... But I should have looked passed that. I know she never sees me or even her mom... It's hard for her and me. She loves Jinxx so I'm going to let her date him... She needs someone to help her...

Jillian's POV
He is my dad okay. I was a stupid teen. I thought harming myself would help. It made everything worse. I now have scars on me. But I also have a great story to tell. Jinxx doesn't know I used to cut... He knew I was bullied and when Iz would come home crying.... He hugged me as tightly as he could.... He kissed my head and told me everything was okay... I knew he would have kissed me if he wasn't dating Sammy...
But sadly he could only hold me in his arms... I didn't mind that.
When Andy came to me and sung that song... I was holding back the tears... I could tell he wasn't trying to do that. That song means so much to me.... It's about me...

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