Unexpected Couple

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Chapter 11

"Jinxx... Get dressed and get out... Now." Andy sounded so serious.

After Jinxx left I grabbed my sweatpants and put them on. I was so scared to find out what was going to happen...

"I'm sorry dad.... You know I love him..." I started to tear up.

"I know you do. But I told you not to have sex when I'm around." He said.

"But we are on the third floor..."

"You're not having sex in this house as long as I'm in it." He said.

Then he walked out...

That was it?? I'm not having sex in the house? Him and Juliet do it when I'm sleeping... So fucking unfair!! I'm moving in with Jinxx...

Jinxx walked back in and saw my face in my hands.

"What's wrong hon?" He said hugging me.

"It's so unfair! Ashley gets to have sex while I'm here, and Andy does it when I'm fucking asleep!!" My voice was rising.

"Baby... Calm down. How about.. You move in with me." He said lifting my head.

"I was thinking about that, but Andy wouldn't allow it..." I started to cry..

Why was I crying? I'm not losing Jinxx.. I still have him here. I'm too damn sensitive.

"No no baby!! Don't cry.. Please don't cry..." He wiped a tear from my cheek and kissed my head. He pulled me closer... He was so warm... I cuddled close to him and wrapped my arms around him. I really did love him... But did he really love me?

"It's getting late, let's go to my room and watch tv until we fall asleep." He smiled and picked me up bridal style. I giggled and hugged him close. This is the best relationship I have ever had...

It was about 10:50 when we got to his room. He turned his flat screen on and turned it to the movie channel. We watched Insidious. Then he changed it to Nick... Again he is in a rock band and acts like a damn kid... I love it!

"Good night baby. I love you." I kissed him and fell asleep on his chest. Before I fell into a deep sleep, I heard him say "I love you Jillian."

That made me smile... He loved me... He really loved me.

-Next Morning-

It was Saturday morning. About 9:30 I should say. I woke up and saw Jinxx was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful.

I heard Andy in the kitchen yelling about something. I guess Ashley are his pancakes and blamed it on Jake... These guys I swear.

I walk into the kitchen, grab a plate, two pancakes and some bacon, then head to the table. Jake tried to take my bacon... I almost stabbed him with a fork. I'm not a morning person. Don't fuck with me.

I started to eat and felt hands wrap around me. I turned around with a mouth full of pancake... To see Jinxx. He giggled when he saw me. And Ashley, of course had to say something sexual about it.

"Oh I bet you like it when she stuffs her mouth." Ashley was laughing. I just pushed him out of his seat and started to laugh myself. If I did move out... I'd miss this. But I needed sex.

Andy looked back and couldn't stop laughing himself. It seemed like everything was normal for once... I know it wasn't though.

We heard a knock on the door. CC wasn't coming until 1, and Juliet was recording.

I went downstairs and opened the door slowly.

It was Sammy..

"Hey girlie." She said. God she is so pretty!!

"Hey hey hey" I said hugging her.

She couldn't find out I'm dating Jinxx!! Or that we just had sex... Last night

"Where's Jinxx at? I wanted to say good bye. I'm going on your for a while..." She said.

"Oh he is upstairs and I thought you guys weren't dating?" I said curiously.

"Oh we aren't, we are friends though." She smiled and started to walk to the kitchen.

Okay.. So maybe if she did find out it wouldn't be so bad.... Hopefully shes over him..

"Hey guys." She said sitting down.

"Hey Sammy." They all said in a monotone.

"So I'm finally going on tour! So I'll be out of your hair Jinxx." She smiled... And so did he.

Oh hell no!

Everyone knew me and Jinxx were dating but Sammy... The tension in the room was high...

"So Jinxx how are you and Jillian." Sammy said.


"Uhh... We are... We are good." He said... His eyes widened.

"Don't worry, I found out by Ashley. We broke up Jinxx, I don't care that you're dating another girl." She said.

Of course its Ashley!!

"Well I have to get ready to leave, so I'll see you all in a few months!" She smiled, and started to leave.

As she walked out the door, Jinxx let out a sigh.

"Dude you guys did break up, and it's been 3 months. She couldn't do or say shit." Jake said.

"Yea, but who knows, she might have feelings for me still." He said.

He looked at and I smiled... What if he left me for her? She's so much better than me!!!

I put my plate in the sink and walked to my room. I closed the door and tears began to run down my face...

Why was he with me...

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