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Monday update!

I laid on my moms old bed and starred at the ceiling.
"Want some food?" I looked at the door way to see my abuela leaning against the door frame.
"Eat what?" I asked quietly.
"Grilled cheese, tomato soup, garlic bread." I nodded and used as much force as I could to move so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I grimaced softly. "Do you just want to eat in here?" I shook my head and stood.
I've been here for about three hours and I hadn't called my mom because I took a nap.
"I want to eat in the kitchen." She smiled softly and took my hand and we walked down the hall way and stairs to the kitchen.
"You need to call your mom." I closed my eyes briefly.
"No I want to eat." She chuckled.
"You can talk to her after you eat. Your Lana's daughter, eating comes before most things." I sat down at the table and watched as she placed two well made sandwiches on my napkin and dished up some soup. I grabbed a piece of garlic bread and dipped it in the soup first.
"Well this is delicious. Mom hasn't made me this in years." I moaned at the taste.
"Well eat up." We ate in silence until I excused myself and placed my dishes in the sink and went back to the bedroom.
I grabbed my phone and starred at it waiting for something to happen but nothing did.
I sighed before calling my mother.
"Hello?" "Hey." "Oh Emilee! I answered with out looking at the ID. How are you?" "Well I just ate." "Oh what'd you eat?" "Food." "What kind of food?" "The food you put in your mouth and eat." "What was it?" "Grilled cheese, garlic bread and tomato soup." "Yum. Any plans for tomorrow?" "No I don't think so I might just sleep tomorrow away." "Your not sleeping all day Emilee." "And why not? Nothing better to do besides talk to people." "Well you can catch up with your aunt Deena." "Oh what fun that should be." "Emilee your sarcastic side is showing." "Oh I'm sorry did the wambulance get a flat tire?" "Har har."
After I hung up I closed my eyes not really wanting to be awake but there was a knock at the bedroom door.
"Sleeping!" I mumbled.
"Well you're awake." I opened my eyes and looked at the woman standing next to the door. "Abuela said you would be in here." I rolled my eyes slightly but she caught it. "Your mother was right. You have gotten an attitude not that you didn't have one before but now it's mixed with being a teenager."
"Well then I'm sorry that I'm not sorry about disappointing you." I mumbled moving my left arm up so my fore arm rested on my eyes.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house?" I sighed.
"Not today Aunt Deena. I'd rather sleep at the moment." She chuckled.
"Sammy is gonna be over tonight because he wants to see you." I groaned internally. Sammy is my younger cousin and he is hyper. I love him but some days it's like I just want to throw him over the side of a cliff.
"Why?" I complained.
"You haven't seen your cousin in months."
"Ya and I won't see-never mind what ever." I all most told her about Audrey.
"Who? Your mother will be down in two weeks for an interview." I just shook my head slightly.
"Please leave me I'd like to catch up on some sleep."

About three hours later I woke to the sound of my phone ringing.
"Hey Em." "Hey Aud." "Did I wake you?" "Ya but it's okay." "So how's New York?" "Well I already want to do it." "No Emilee you made a promise not to." "I might have to break that promise." "Emilee Parrilla." "Okay I won't. I just can't think straight." "I hope not or else we would have to break up." "Oh wow making a joke are we?" "No your mom already did that." She started busting a gut on the other end. "Brat." "You love me." "That I do brat." "Okay well I have to eat I just wanted to call and say I love you and I can't wait to see you in person again." "Me either. I love you too."
Later that night Sammy came over for dinner. We watched princess and the frog.

I laid in my bed awake most of the night just starring at the glow n' the dark stars that were on the ceiling. I turned the lamp by the bed on and went to my mothers drawers by the dresser.
I opened the top one and pulled out a year book from when she graduated high school.
She had long hair that was curly and she looked like a dork. I looked through and found a photo of her and a boy and the caption below it said best couple.
Lana Parrilla and Darin Keith.

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