You're a dad?

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(This one is a bit diffrent but I liked the idea.)

You are Joker's daughter from a one night stand. He knows about you and then one day he is finally telling Harley about you. (You are a teenager)

Your POV

tick tock, tick tock
My heart was pounding. Only two more miniutes, and I'll be walking to my dad's to meet his new girl. I was scared for two reasons. #1 I wanted her to like me. #2 I didn't want her to take dad from me.


And school is out. I ran down the hall to my locker and pulled out my books and the stuff I needed. Grabbing my ear buds I ran out of the school, and turned left down the side walk. Heading to my dad's.

Buzz Buzz

I pulled out my phone to see a text from dad.

From: ♠Dad♠
Hey kiddo, Harley and I are home waitin for ya. Don't worry, deep breaths. It will all be fine, pumpkin.

I couldn't help but smile. He new I was scared and he always new how to help me. But it's no longer just us.

I was standing at the door, just standing and staring at the door. I ran a hand threw my long green and black hair and fixed my dress. My breathing was ragged, my ha dead shaking as it grasped the cold door nob. I slowly pushed it oped and stepped into the house.

"Dad?" I called out and heard a loud giggle of a woman.

"Come on Harley." I heard dad yell.

"Not now." He growled and I saw him turn the corner from the living room to the front entry. He had pink lip stick kisses all over his face and his normally slicked back green hair was a mess. As I looked him over it clicked on what they were doing before I got here and it made me shutter.

"Hey pumpkin, how was school?" Dad asked and came over to me.

"It wa-"

"Daddy?!?! I'm getting lonley in our bed!!" I heard the same female voice yell. I felt sick to the fomach at her call my dad daddy. I looked up at him and he looked both angered and imbaresed.

"Daddy, huh?" I asked and my voice cracked. Fuck my mood swings.

"Pumpkin, it's just a nickname. Like how I call ya Pumpkin." I said and rested his hand on my shoulder. I brushed his hand off.

"I need to go, I can't be here." I whispered and opened the door, running out of the house.

"(Y/N)!!" I heard him call but I kept running.

I got to a forest and let out a loud scream.

"Dadd!?!?!?She wants to call him daddy?!?!?! He is my dad!!! Mine!!!!" I screamed, slaming my hands into a tree dragging them down.

My breathing was harsh and raged. I fell to my knees and looked at the dirt , newly wettened with rain. My eyes let the salty streams drain and my walls I put up so many years ago started to crumble. I always tried to be brave, strong, emotionles, for him. But now I was weak, sad, and more importantly scard. I'm so scared that he will leave me, leave me for her. Just like how my mom left me for her dealer. Left me in a box on dad's front porch at the age of 3. I was scared that soon I'd only be his second prority, that he'd leave me for a woman I didn't even know. Was I selfish? Sure, but I'm sick and tired of being hurt. Not by him. I don't want him to hurt me. I don't want to feel bad, I just want him to not have someone be more important than his daughter.

My thoughts were snapped back to the woods when a loud barking sound and a bunch of calls came from about 55 yards away from me. My hands were bleading and shaking, and I new my eyes were red and puffy. I slowly stood up and brushed off all the dirt from my (S/C) knees.

I dragged my feet to were i heard the last people. As I rounded a large tree I heard his voice. My dad.

"She has to be out her, damn it! You four go to the west lake and you five on the Noth Woods trail and I will go south." He demanded and put his gun in his holster. I stepped out into bed clearing my throat and all heads turned to me.

My dad's face was stone cold. He was mad, no beyond mad, he was irate. I gulped and back away slowly. My eyes began to fill with those shit tears again.

"Get in the car. Now." He spoke, his voice was leathle, knives were jabbed into my heart as he spoke.

All I did was nodd. I ran to the passenger side of his black Lambo, opening the door only to see a woman. Her hair was in pig tails, blue and pink ends, her makeup was the same colors, she was also in some skimpy little outfit and had a collar on that said puddin.

"God kid, close the damn door, it's freezen out there." She spat and slammed the door. I just stood there shocked.

"I said in the car, brat." My dad spat and I flinched.
I had it. He called me a brat one thing that my mom always yelled before she's hit me.

My knees gave in and i felt to the ground, sobbing. I heard a door slam and foot steps come towrds me.

"No! Don't touch me!" I screamed and looked up through my blured eyes to see dad looking regretful and shocked. I scooted backwards.

"I hate you!!" I screamed and my breathing started to become eragular, and my heart was hamering. I stood up quickly.

"You are already replacing me with her!" I screamed and pointed to the women in the car.

"Y-you let her call you daddy?? You're my dad! My daddy! Not her's! It's disgusting!" I yelled so loud that my face was turning red. His face was blank and he looked hurt. I shut my mouth and my eyes went big. I don't hate him, but everything else I said was true.

"You don't hate me, pumpkin. Do you?" He questioned, his voice shaking. I took an inhale of air.

"No, but you yelled at me and called me a brat!" I yelled again. He sighed and took two big strides towrds me and quickly wrapped me in his arms. I sobbed again.

"I'm sorry, pumpkin. I'm so sorry."

"You're my dad, I called you daddy for years. Please don't let her ruinn those memories for me." I mumbled into his chest and he stroked my hair. I pulled me gently over to the car and sat me in the backseat, before he sat in the front.

"Daddy, who's the kid?" The women asked and I griminst.

"I'm. Not. Your. Daddy." Dad spat at her causing her to flinch.

"Puddin-" I slammed forward and hit the seat.

"Look-" Dad grabbed her arm and looked at me.

"I'm her daddy, that is my baby girl, my flesh and blood. I am not your daddy she is my only care in the world." He spat, even making me flinch even though I wasn't the one being yelled at.

"Harley, look. Your special too but no one beats ma little girl out of the competition. She's the only person who is sane enough to live with me on a daly basis." He took a deal breath and smiled at me.

The woman, Harley turned back and glared daggers at me.

"I don't want you no more J. Not if I'm not number one. So the choice is yours. Me or the brat." She hissed. Dad for our of the car and over to get side of the car, opening the door.

"I belive Gothom is about 3 miles west from here, have a nice walk doll face." With that he gave her cheek a pay and pulled her out of the car suiting the door and climbing in to the car agin.

"Well come on pumpkin, don't need an invitation to ride up her with your old man do ya?" He asked laughing. I smiled and crawled into the front seat and hugged him.

"I love ya, kid." He said hugging me tightly.

"Love ya too, dad."

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