My little baby

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My hands caresed my bump.

"One more month baby, and I'll never let go." I whispered to the small growing child inside me.

J, was out of town. On business. Said he was making plans for our baby's life. He wasn't happy about the baby at first but after my first ultrasound he had a chance in heart and was now a even more ever protective father and boyfriend.

I jolted awake in pain. My hand grabbed my stomach.

"Ouch baby can't ya stop this till your daddy gets home?" I asked and felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach.

"Nope, okay. Fine." I stood from my bed and as soon as I was up I felt the warmth trickle down my leg. My water broke. I let a cry fall from my lips as I walked to my phone. I quickly called J.

It rang and rang. No answer. So I called again. No answer. Again.

"Baby?" He asked, I could here both worry and sleep in his voice.

"J, where are you?" I asked, tears evident in my voice.

"LA. Baby what's wrong?" He asked.

"In in labor." I chocked out. I heqrd fumbling and yelling.

"I'll meet you at the hospital. It's not due for another month." He cursed.

"I know. J, I'm scared." I whimpered and slowly walked to the door opening it.

"Marry!" I screamed for the nurse.

"Baby don't be scared the doctor's will take good care of the baby." He coed.

"I can't have this baby at a hospital, not if I want you there."
I whined.

"Okay, stay in the house." He said and i heard a loud noise.

"I'm about to take off baby, I need to go. Stay strong, for me. I'll see you as soon as I can." I whispered and I sobbed.

"I love you." I whimpered and the line went dead.


I screamed in pain. Marry was checking my dialation as frost held my hand. My nails digging deep into his flesh. Sweat dropped down my face, mixing with salty tears.

"Mss. (Y/N), you need to push. Your almost there." Marry said calmly. I shook my head frantically.

"No J, he has-" I was cut off by my own scream.

"One last push Mss."

A scream erupted from my mouth bouncing off the bedroom walls. My head falling back on the soft pillow.

I heard a soft cry. I couldnt help the smile that formed in my lips.

"It's a boy." Frost said and smiled at me. I let go of his hand. About ten miniutes later the baby was placed in my arms. He was so small.

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