Acid Vat|| Joker

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My heart pounded in my chest, it was so loud I was certain he could hear. My face was calm and no sign of fear anywhere but in my heart. The soft sounds of my heals clicked on the wear-house stairs, as we made our way up.

His pail hand laid gingerly on the rail as we slowly made our way up the third flight of stairs. The diamonds on his rings ever so slightly catching the light from the moon, cascading beautiful rainbows onto the wall.

"This is where it all began..." His thick deep voice echoed throughout the walls. His hand ran itself through his bright green hair and he slowly turned around to face me.

"This. Right here. Is when I became who I" he stepped closer to me placing his hand on my throat. His golden teeth clenched and his non existent eyebrows drew closer together. "Really am." He finished as his thumb slowly pulled down my bottom lip, causing some of my saliva to wet it.

He drew away his hand and softly licked his thumb never breaking eye contact.

"Y/N, princess. Would you die for me?" He questioned his voice deep almost a growl.

"Yes." I didn't even hesitate.

He rolled his eyes and put his hands up slightly shaking them as he circled me.

"No no to easy." His steps ceased and I felt his warm breath tickle my ear. 

"Would you," his hand went back around my throat as he presses his lips to my neck causing the skin to become hot. "Live" he bit my ear lobe. "For me?"

"Yes." His hand was no longer at my neck instead it was pointing to the edge of the platform we were on.

My feet slowly walked me to the edge. Below were a dozen vats of acid boiling and bubbling. My palms became sweating, my soul telling me he was gonna push me. But he didn't. Instead he stood beside me and starred at me.

I turned my body to him and looked him in the eye. His lips curved up into a smile and he spoke so softly, "prove it."

My feet were no longer on the platform. My arms we falling gracefully beside me and my eyes were on him. He watched with such amusement as I fell. The air on my back was cool. My hair was free. And so was I. I felt like the fall wouldn't ever end.
But it did.

My eyes burned. My throat felt as though it was being cut by millions of razors. My skin crawled.

But I never tried to swim out.

I let the acid consume my body. Knowing he wasn't coming for me.

My mind was blank as I floated almost lifelessly. The only thing I could think about was his eyes. And how badly I wanted them to look at me one more time.

I was brought back to reality when I felt the splash.

Arms, strong broad arms found themselves wrapped around me.

And I was pulled to the surface.

I gasped for air and the cool gas filled my lungs giving me more relief than I could've ever imagined.

My arms were around a neck.

But my eyes still burnt and I was scared to open. Scared that if I did I would open them only to see the Bat, and not him.

"Open your eyes love." It was him. His voice sounded like honey. And I did as he said. I opened my eyes. At first it was blurry just a blob in front of me. But as I blinked it became clear and I saw my J.

His clothing was melting, revealing his toned body and the acid turning purple. Looking at myself I could see I was nearly naked.

My eyes caught his again and I smiled.

"I couldn't leave you. My queen." His lips crashed on mine. And mine were eager to taste. But it was over to quick as he laughed evilly and hoisted me up and out of the vat. Laying me on the floor carefully.

"Oh baby. All of your clothes have melted." He chuckles and smiled as he got up and came back with a hose.

The water felt nice. It was cool and washed away all the burning feelings. And he wasn't wrong I was butt naked.

He softly wrapped me in a towel. And hoisted me into his arms as he walked me to his car. Carefully putting me inside, before driving me to his mansion.

I was carefully carried into the house his kisses on my neck pulling me closer to sleep.

"Don't sleep yet doll, come and see what daddy did." He mumbled as I pulled my eyes open only to see him standing in front of a mirror, my towel was gone.

He gently set me down on my feet his hands firmly on my hips as I looked over my body. It was pail, like his. Not a blemish in sight. And my hair.

Snow White.

He softly pulled his fingers through my once brown hair. "We can fix this. But for now. Sleep my angel."

He hoisted me into his arms and slowly laid me in bed curling me into his now naked form.

"In the morning everyone will meet the new queen of Gotham" 

I know I know been forever. But. I did it. I wrote a new one. Ummm summer has been crazy as hell for me. And I start senior year next Tuesday. So yeah wish me luck.

Hope y'all liked this.

And we're over 100k VIEWS!!! thank you all so so so much means so much to me that y'all like it so much.

Much love

~Shaya xoxo

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