She's MINE (Part 2)

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"J?" I croaked, my voice cracking.

"J??" I yelled but the body, didn't move. Th chains were the only thing holding him up. He had whip marks on his beautiful skin and was needing from his right shoulder. It was a stab wound.

"Oh look my beautiful slut is awake." My head snapped to the door, and there stood Michael.

"Don't worry, he isn't dead." He said and walked over to J. I saw him pull something out of his neck and J's head snapped up and he started to srugle in the chains, but he wasnt make any progress.

"Not yet anyway." Michael mumbled and sruck J in the jaw.

"Stop!" I screamed and stood up.


Three men came in the room and grabbed me, holding me down.

"Your gonna watch this." A gag was placed in my mouth.

Michael, grabbed a whip off the table and stuck J's chest repetovly. Every strike, J just started blankly at the ceiling while I flinched for him.
Michael stopped the whipping noticing it had no effect.

I saw him grab a pair of brass knuckles and strike J in the mouth.





I was crying so hard, he was still beating on my J. I squeezed my eyes shut. The only thing I could hear was the pound, then the splarer of blood on the floor.


Finally the sounds stoped. And I was let go, the gag removed, but the hands were replaced by cuffs. I peeled my eyes open and a scream left my lips.

J, his face it was so bloodied. Blood was polling out of his nose and mouth.

"Its okay sweetie, he'll live." Michael said and he placed his hand on my cheek. I flinched away. The wet feeling of J's blood on my cheek, made me tremble.

"Oh, look at this cute little top." Michael hissed as he cut off my top and placed his hands on my boobs tripping them tightly, a disgusting groan leaving his lips.

"Don't." The word stopped Michael's movements stopped for a second and we both looked over to see J. his breathing was harsh and his evil smile was plastered on his bloodied lips.

Michael let out a low laugh and flipped me on my knees.


My head was yanked up and I was looking directly at J. My jeans were being wripped off my body.

"Now you get to watch him, and he gets to watch you." Michael hissed and I heard a belt hit the floor. I was trembling. My eyes burned from the tears. J was still struggling in cuffs, so hard it was making his wrists bleed. I felt something on my ass hole and stopped moving, fear consuming my body. My eyes were big as I looked at J.

A loud scream left my lips again. It all just hurt. I wanted it to stop.


I was laying naked in the floor, Michael had left a while ago. I could feel the blood crusting on my inner thigh.

"B-baby, say something please?" I heard J, that was about the sixth time I heard him. But I didn't want to talk. I didn't even want to look at him.

"Baby! (Y/N)! Plea-" He was cut off by the door blowing off the hinges.

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