She's MINE (Part 1)

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[Another request!!!]

"So you should do one on an abusive ex ... and he gets worried and you end up getting raped. Make sure it's really long and has at least 3 parts."
(I did a little change)

"J! Stop!" I yelled and squeled as J picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder, spinning me around

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"J! Stop!" I yelled and squeled as J picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder, spinning me around.

"No, I'd rather not!" He yelled chuckling. I laughed and he brought me back to face him. My legs involuntarily wrapped around his hips and his hand went to my butt, hoping me up.

"You look beautiful." He whispered and I smiled, running a finger over his jaw line.

"You're to sweet to me, J." I smiled. He set me down but kept one are wrapped around my waist.

We were walking down a path in the park. J and I had been out for nearly 5 hours.

"I love you, J." I whispered as we stood on a dock looking ath the beautifully lit city.

"I know and i feel the same." He whispered. J never said those three little words. But he didn't have to, I new.

The street was dark, little to hear. The distant sound of sirens in the city and the acashonal ally way cat could be heard. J's hand was squeezing mine tightly as we walked in a peacful silence towrds or shared house, on the outskirts of the city.

"My my what do we have here." A deep, snake like voice rang through my ears. I stopped dead in my tracks. My grip becoming deadly in J's.

"Michael." J hissed at my abusive ex boyfriend.

"My my little J, still keeping my slut as your new view toy." Michael snarrled. J tenced visibly and his stance became leathle, his one hand that wasn't in mine, drifted to his pistol on his hip.

"You can leave, and I'll shot you. Or you can stand there and I will shoot you. Your choice." J growled. Michael let out that none chilling laugh that he'd use right before he'd hit me.

"Oh baby J, didn't ya know, I don't just let someone have my slut." A object flew over Michael's sholder and landed infront of us. Before I had the chance to breath a dark puff of smoke let out and everything went black.


My body hurt, my head hurt, my everything just hurt. My eyes leaked open and I was in a dark gloomy basment. There was one lamp in the corner letting off an eary flow. The room smelt of mold. I sat up and looked around. My eyes landed on the almost read looking body. My heart sank and my eyes became hot with tears.


/\/\Dun Dun Dun clif hanger!!!
sorry I know it's a long time and not long but I'm going through some stuff and on top of that writers block but, Leto blessed my dreams and gave me ideas.

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