Gender reveal

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Zoe's pov
I woke up feeling so excited for today. It was our 12 week scan and we are hoping to find out the gender. I turned on my phone and checked the time. 7:30. I turned over and looked at Alfie. He was still fast asleep so I snook out of the bed and went to go have a shower.
After my shower, I put on some natural make up and put on a a loose cream jumper and maternity leggings as my bump is actually quite big.
I went downstairs as it was now 8:30 and Alf was still asleep. I let Nala outside and fed the Guinea pigs and made some pancakes with lemon and sugar for breakfast as I was craving them. I put them on a tray and carried them upstairs. I lay them on the bed and tapped Alfie to wake him up. He smiled and said " morning my little ones" he said putting his big hand on my bump. He sat up and we ate breakfast. Alf got dressed and we headed to the doctors.

When we arrived at the doctors I felt nervous again. Alfie squeezed my had reassuringly to make me feel better. We sat down and about 15 mins later our names were called. We went into the scan room and met our baby doctor for the third time.
I lay on the bed and lifted up my jumper. The doctor squeezed gel onto my tummy. She moved it around and me and Alf stared hopefully at the screen.
"There's baby" said the nurse showing us on the screen our little baby jumping around all over the place. "Would you's like to know the gender?" She asked "yes please I replied as Alfie nodded along.
"It's a........"

"GIRL!!" The nurse announced we both looked at each other happily. I started to tear up as the nurse printed of a picture of our baby girl.

Nearly at 100 views! Thanks so much everyone. I love writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it xxxxxx if you have any baby name suggestions comment them below.

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