Doctors apointment

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Alfie's POV
I booked Zoe a doctors appointment for today. We expect that Zoe is 8 weeks. Liv is seriously the cutest little 9 month old ever. She's already taking steps. She can walk from the fridge to the counter which is only a few steps but it's still impressive. She even has two little teeth which are the cutest thing ever.
We all got ready for the doctors appointment, I was wearing a brown jumper with leather shoulder parts and jeans, Zoe was wearing dungarees with tights and a stripy top. And last of all, Liv was wearing a little blue tutu with a white too and white tights with little blue shoes.

We all left and I strapped Liv in whilst Zoe got in the passenger seat. I jumped in and started to drive. Zoe was talking away to liv and I had music on the radio. "Im so excited to grow our little family" I said. Zoe agreed and we were talking about all our plans and dreams. I pulled into a parking space and we all got out of the car. I held both of livs little hands and 'walked' in with her. We sat down in the waiting room and I could feel Zoe gagging anxious. I held her hand for comfort. Soon her name was called. We all went in the small office. We went in and sat down I put liv on my knee and held zoes hand. "So miss sugg" the doctor began. "Why are you here today?". "Well err I believe I'm pregnant" Zoe told him. "Ok and how long do you think you have been pregnant?" The doctor asked. "We think maybe eight weeks" I replied. "Ok I will just need a urine sample" the doctor said. He gave me a little plastic jar and I headed to the bathroom.

Alfie's POV
I waited, holding liv, whilst Zoe did her tests and stuff. When we were done we decided to go and grab some food. Zoe was getting her results over the phone probably in the morning. It was so exciting. Olivia is going to be a big sister. I put liv in a high chair at McDonald's and I went to get food. I ordered Big Mac for myself chicken burger for Zoe and a chicken wrap happy meal with carrot sticks for liv. She was so excited to get a little fluffy furby toy. On the way home we stopped at mamas and papas because we needed a new pushchair for liv as the wheel fell off the old one when she was playing with it. We ended up buying a really cute Quinny one that was pink and black. We went home and I knew for the rest of the day me job was to build it...

Hi friends! Ty for reading. Not sure weather to continue writing or not so tell me if you're enjoying
-Emily xx

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