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Alfies pov
It had been two months since the incident. Little Olivia is already five months old and she is seriously so cute. I love her and Zoe more then ever in my life. Since Zoe was 'kidnapped'. We have taken serious caution over our house. All windows are always locked, we have security cameras, doors are always locked and so on. Thankfully Zoe was ok and unharmed. She was a little shaken at first but she picked up. Anyways, today is Livs five month doctors appointment. Liv has worked out Sitting up, knowing her mummy by holding out her arms to be picked up and she makes all sorts of funny faces she is so cute.

Me and Zoe woke up at around 7 to the sound of Olivia crying. I got up and went to the end of the bed where she was sleeping in her rocking Moses basket. I picked her up and took her through to her room to change her.
After changing Liv, we both went downstairs and made some breakfast for ourselves and Zoe. I made some pancakes for me and Zoe and some mushed up banana for Liv. I called Zoe down and she gave me and Liv a hug. We all tucked into breakfast and hen went up to get dressed.

We all walked down the stairs ready to leave for Olivia's doctors appointment. I was wearing some black jeans, a pb jumper and a grey beanie. Zoe was wearing a black jumper, and jeans and little Liv was wearing a little pink onsie and she was so cute. We got in the car and I drove, when we arrived I got Liv out whilst Zoe got the pushchair out. We went into the doctors office and waited about 15 minutes before we got called through. The doctor did a few checks and tests. He finally checked Livs breathing. "Yep it's all fine!" He said happily. We walked out and back to the car. We all went to McDonalds for lunch and went home. We all went on a walk to the park with nala then went to bed.

Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in ages I will try to update every day again but I'm just a very lazy person 😂😂 If anyone could re design a new front cover that would be great as I'm not very good so just send it to me. Thanks for 2.27k reads
~Emily xx

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