James and Olivia

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Zoe's  POV
I walked down the street with all three of my babies, nala, Olivia and James. My two human babies were in their pushchair and Alf was walking with nala. Liv was talking away to herself and my little baby boy was starting to get uncomfortable and started crying. We got to the park and I got James and liv out. Liv went on the slide and swings with Alf and I fed James. I got his burp cloth and put it over him whilst he was feeding then put it over my shoulder and burped him.  I had been noticing lately that he wouldn't feed on my left boob and I kinda thought it was weird but I just put it aside and assumed he was just fussy. When James fell asleep I put him back in the pram and also put liv inside it. We walked back home and Alfie made pasta and I fed the baby again. We put peppa pig on for liv as I fed James. "Alf" I said. "Yeah little one" he replied draining the pasta. "I'm kind of worried with  James not feeding on my left boob" I told him. "It's probably nothing but I will call the doctors and make an appointment if you want" he said reassuringly. I nodded and put James down on his play mat. I put Olivia in her chair and gave her a plate of plain pasta whilst me and Alfie had carbonara sauce on our pasta.

After a liv night it was finally the kids bedtimes. We had started to get James in a routine of waking up at 8, am hour after his sister, napping at 10-11:30 and then bedtime at 7pm ( the same as liv). I put James in his baby bath whilst Alfie put liv in the big bath. We then got them both out and put their cream on and oils and nappy changes. It was then bedtime. We let Olivia watch a show of peppa pig whist I put James down to sleep. I fed him and read to him then layed him down. It took a while for him to go to sleep but at 8:30 he was finally asleep. I then went downstairs and brought liv upstairs. I read to her and also put her to bed. I went downstairs, pulled out the chocolate and snuggles on the couch with Alfie watching movies. Best. Night. Ever.

I haven't updated in agesssss so I'm very sorry. Btw the last four lines is totally me always 😂 ty for reading and ly alllllll
-Emily xx

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