Name reveal

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Zoe's POV
I packed my bag that Alfie brought for me after my c section, three days ago. I put all of the baby clothes into the bag keeping one outfit for my baby boy. I laid it out on the hospital bed a little blue onesie with a hat and blue blanket for the car seat. I went back over to my bed and feed my little man. He was seriously too cute. When liv was born she seemed like a mummy's girl but as she has grown she has become more of a dadas girls, I'm kind of  wanting my little boy to be a mummy's boy this time. I looked at him laying in his little hospital cot, he was seriously the cutest. I cried. Again. I was worried that since I have liv and I love her so much that I couldn't love anyone more than her but how he is here he is my world and liv is too. I sat on the bed waiting for liv and Alfie to come back to pick me up. I got my baby boy ready in his car seat and then got myself fully ready. As if on cue Alf and liv walked in. "There's mummy" Alfie said passing liv to me while she was smiling."my baby girl" I said in return. I held her for a few minutes until I put her down and held her hand.

I weakly walked through the hospital trying to keep up with Olivia and Alfie. We went into the elevator and liv pressed the button. "Since when does she do that?!" I said surprised. "Oh she just started doing it the other day" Alfie replied. I just stood and wondered how much I had missed whilst I was in hospital.

When we got to the car Alfie helped me in before putting liv in her seat and getting the new car seat in. I looked through the mirror of the car at my not so baby girl and my baby boy. I loved them both so so much. I put my seatbelt on and pulled the camera out of the compartment in the car and vlogged. I never thought I would miss vlogging so much but apparently I did considering I vlogged the whole way home. When we got home, we all had naps and when we woke up we decided to do the baby's name reveal. We hid foam letters that spelled his name out around the room for liv to find. We both grabbed our cameras and vlogged her finding them. We then layed all the letters out on the baby's blanket and started to rearrange them into his name. It was adorable they way liv ran and got so excited to pick them up. When she had got the letters we set the camera on the tri pods and rearranged them.

James Leo Deyes

Was spelled out on the floor. Liv clapped her hands and me and Alf kissed. We turned off the cameras. Today was the best day ever.

Thank you for reading. Do you like the name? Readers picked it and I think it is really nice so thank you. It was kinda just Zoe saying how much she loved them so yeah. Ly all

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