First smile

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Alfie's pov
I woke up and turned over to see my beautiful wife sleeping peacefully. Just kidding. I woke up to the sound of my two crying children and stressed wife. I jumped out of bed and got Olivia whilst Zoe fed James. I gave her a fruit snack we kept in the bedside table drawer and she sat contently watching the tv. I then went into livs completely messy room and picked out an outfit I thought would go nicely. I took it through to Zoe. "Is this ok?" I asked holding up a pair of pink leggings and a pink top. "No!" Zoe said completely offended that I even put the two prices of clothing together. She snatched them off me practically threw the baby at me and then went to pick one out herself. I knew not to be bothered by Zoe's stress and anger. It always comes after the baby with her. I cuddled my little boy as Zoe put liv in the pink top and some black leggings. We then went downstairs and I started making some porridge. I put down  banana porridge in front of liv and put porridge down for Zoe and put some in my place. We ate to the sound of liv 'singing'.  Along to James crying. "What's wrong now" Zoe cried. "He probably just needs a nappy change" I told her. I stood up and took the baby to his changing station. "Mummy is a bit sad" I told him "but she does love you lots". After breakfast we decided to go to my mums. We only stayed for an hour but liv got spoiled sooooo much. We then went home and a photographer that was coming soon to take some family pictures.

When the photographer arrived we all changed into some cute matching outfits. I was wearing a striped top and jeans, Zoe was wearing a striped t shirt and dungarees, liv was wearing a striped dress and a red bow in her hair and James was wearing a striped baby grow with grey pockets which he looked super cool. We all went outside and took some fun shots of me holding liv upside down and Zoe holding James and we also took a few where I had liv on my shoulders and Zoe had liv in the baby sling. All the pictures turned out really good so we then moved on the the pointlessfamilyvlogs calendar. We took loads of seasonal pictures and it was really fun. For January we were all doing stuff like Zoe was baking I was vlogging and liv was playing with James. As liv was singing to him he let out a huge smile and it was the cutest thing ever. For February we were making love heart cookies. I was holding the oven open whilst Zoe was putting on cookies and liv was eating sprinkles and pink frosting. Whilst James was in his rocky no chair covered in sprinkles. It took a lot of sprinkles and made a lot of mess. For march we were all wearing green for at Patrick's day and then for April we were wearing Easter clothes and bunny ears. For may it was a collage of James considering it was his birth month and then for june we went to the park. For July we were wearing all summer clothes for august we were camping in the garden and September James and Olivia were wearing 'school' clothes and had backpacks on and the rest of the months we had to shoot when it was colder and looked better. After a lot of photos being took liv ended up falling asleep and missed bath time and just went straight to bed. We put little mr to bed and watched a movie and then went to bed ourselves.


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