James' 1st birthday

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Alfie's pov
I woke up to James crying. I stretched my arms and got out of bed. Then it hit me. James was one today!! I went through to James room and picked him up out of his crib.
"Happy birthday little man!" I said tickling him. I then went through to liv and got her out of her crib. I had liv on my shoulders and I was carrying james. I took them through to Zoe, who had just woke up. I put them both on the bed and they went over to Zoe and cuddled her. "Happy birthday baby" she said hugging James. Liv came over to me and I pulled out my vlogging camera.
"Goooooooooooooooood morning guys!" I said to the camera. "So we are having a little old cuddle in bed and it is james' birthday!"
"Look how cute our family is" Zoe said still cuddling James
"Yeah, like sacconejolys who?!" I said laughing. Zoe laughed. We gave James a few presents to open in bed. We had got him kinder chocolates and a few little toys by his main presents were downstairs. Liv helped him open his presents as he was a bit too little to get what he had to do. He got lots of toys that liv claimed which was really funny. Zoe then made breakfast birthday pancakes. We ate them while I did some editing of the previous days vlog. In occasion of James birthday we were going to peppa pig world with Louise and Darcy and Anna, Jonathan, Emilia, Eduardo and alessia.

Zoes POV
The first friendly knock on the door was a energetic Darcy and a very pregnant Louise. "Hi chummy" I said hugging her. "Come in come in." Darcy hugged Olivia and James and Alfie and finally me. "You are glowing!" I said to Louise looking at her 8 month baby bump. "More like hot mess" she said laughing in reply. I also laughed and she gave James his presents and had a cuddle with him. "I'm gonna have a little baby soon" she said happily. A few minutes later there was another knock on the door along with a lot of knocks further down the door which suggested Anna and Jonathan were here with the monkeys also known as Emilia and Eduardo. When I opened the door Emilia and Eduardo shouted surprise and I pretended to be scared while Jonathan vlogged and Anna carried alessia in her car seat. "Happy birthday!" Eduardo shouted to me. "It's not my birthday" I said laughing. "Then who's is it?" He said scowling cheekily. "James's" I told him. "Oh" he said. "You are very silly" Emilia said intelligently. I laughed and welcomed them in. While Alfie, Louise and Jonathan were vlogging James I was chatting with Anna.  We had some drinks and then realised what time it was. "We better be going!" I said grabbing liv and James coats from the cupboard and also grabbing their shoes. I have Livs things to Alfie to put on her and i dressed James. He was wearing a 'wild one' baby grow with jeans and suspenders with a red and black flannel and some grey trainers. Liv was wearing a 'I can't even' t shirt which had an arrow with a gold heart, a similar style to James' t shirt. She was also wearing gold sparkling leggings with pink converse and light denim jacket. We got out the double pushchair and then got into the car. We drove first followed by Anna and Jonathan followed by Louise.

When we arrived we all parked next to each other and then got out. The sacconejolys set up their pushchair and put alessia in it. It was very handy as it had a board on the back that Emilia and Eduardo could stand on and ride.
After we paid we went in. The kids went on a few rides to start and James was even allowed on a few. Emilia, liv and Darcy, were the best of friends. They loved each other and their was a clear romance going between Eduardo and liv. And also James and alessia seemed to like each other as Jame was making alessia laugh every two seconds. We went round the park vlogging most of it. We all decided that we would go on a few more rides and then go and get lunch. We went into the peppa pig shop and me and Alf bought all the kids a peppa pig figure set as goody bags and then they went on the grampa pig boat ride and George's dinosaur ride and then we went to get some food. On the way back we stopped at a Wagamamas and picked up some food which we took back to our house. Everyone sat round the table and ate. For hours after we sat and watched movies and the kids played. Until just before they had to leave we did the birthday cake.

Alfie's POV
As we brought out James' birthday cake that Zoe had made in the shape of George his face seemed to light up. He loved peppa pig and also loved lights which he saw on the cake(candles) he had a very weird loving of lights it was strange. As Zoe put the cake in front of him everyone had finished singing and was now hip hiping. Liv basically blew the candles out bit it was the thought that counted. Everyone ate a piece of cake and everyone took one home too. There was only two bits left for liv and James as we were having a photo shoot the next day which would include a cake smash. It had been such a special day for our baby. We bathed the kids and then put them to bed. We ended the blog lying on the floor in livs room all together. I loved our little family it was the best.

It's been a while! Hello again sorry for the lack of updates but I'm scared about starting a new book of this as I feel like nobody will read it but anyways I have made the cover for the next book and it is basically the same but has both kids a little bit older but I'm not revealing too much! Thanks for reading. Comment 1st birthday if you read right to here!

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