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Alfie's pov
Zoe went up to get changed while I looked after Liv. I tickled her and she smiled and giggled. I filmed a bit of her giggles and it had soon been an hour. "Zoe?" I shouted up the stairs with Liv in my arms, pulling my hair.  "You ok?" I shouted again. No reply. I slowly walked up the stairs and kept shouting 'Zoe'. I walked to the top floor and into our bedroom. I saw specs of blood on the carpet, the window was open and there was a ladder leading down to the street below. I looked around in worry. Where was Zoe? Did she run away? Or was it something worse?

Zoe's pov
I was dragged away up the stairs with a sack over my head. I was panicking so so much but tying to come across as calm. I was squirming and wiggle. To get out of the 'kidnappers' arms but he just punched my nose to stop me. Blood started pouring out of my nose and I think it went on the carpet. I heard the window open and the kidnapper practically threw my down the ladder whilst he followed. I was thrown into the back of a van and the van started and drove away. Between me and my kidnapper was a sheet of wood. This was my chance to escape but was I going to make it?

Alfie's pov
I put Olivia down on the bed and examined the scene. I decided it was best to call the police so I did so. I told the police everything that I had found and what has happened. They said they would be over to check the scene and look for Zoe, I just hoped she was ok

Zoes pov
I managed to untie the ropes from around my wrists and tried to stand up. I was thrown back again by a sharp turn."what are you doing?" The kidnapper said. I mumbled so it still sounded as through I had tape on my mouth. "Good" he said evilly. I breathed out in relief and tried to quietly open the back door. It jerked open. I looked back and just jumped. It all went black. I heard horns and swerves. It felt like the crash again.

Alfie's pov
Liv was crying so much. I changed her and rocked her but I knew she was hungry. And that job a cant do. Th police were searching the local area. I went downstairs and went in the 'baby emergency' cupboard. I found some baby milk and poured it into a bottle after mixing it. It seemed to work for now as I sat waiting for a call about Zoe. It was 5:00pm and I hadn't eaten all day. I seriously wasn't in the mood. It's always poor Zoe! What gas she ever down?! I questioned to myself. The phone rang and I legged it to pick it up. "It's pc smith here, we have found your wife she is in hospital now being checked over. She was found by a truck driver as she jumped out of the back of a white van." "Thank you" I said "I'll be right over"

I haven't updated in soooooo long. I'm so sorry. I've been really busy with year 9 assessments and tests. Ok I can't lie I didn't revise one bit 😂😂😂😂 but I'm just so lazy and couldn't think what to write. A few cool twists coming soon. Aaaggghhhh today we find out who will win the US election. I hope Hilary does even though I don't live in America. Trump will ruin everything for everyone I think. Anyway gotta go bye
-Emily xxx

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