Chapter 4

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Clarke hurried along the sidewalk to Grounders, the small diner on the corner. The owner Nyko gave her a smile as she clocked in for work. She tied her apron on and made her way to the counter.

"Good Morning Clarke, How did the little one like school?" He asked.

"Oh, she loves it, I'm so happy" Clarke said sounding relieved.

"That's good, how's work at O's Coffee House?" Nyko asked.

"Also good, thanks so much for working with me and scheduling, If it wasn't for You, Wells and Octavia I'd be lost!" she replied pouring coffee for herself and refilling Nyko's cup.

"I'm glad it's all coming together for you" he smiled taking his coffee back to his office. Clarke kept herself busy waiting on tables and cleaning through out her shift. Weekdays at Grounders were busy in spurts, gave her time to fill condiments and organize inventory. Weekends were so busy you don't have time to think, which some days is greatly appreciated by her.

As soon as the clock reached one o'clock, she was out the door. By one thirty she was clocked in at O's. The coffee shop stayed pretty steady through out the day.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize for yesterday, Wells told me why you left, before you get mad, I asked and I didn't relay the message to Bell, your secret's safe with me" Octavia said sliding a doughnut in her direction. Clarke smiled.

"Don't worry about it, I deserved it. I'll tell him eventually. He wouldn't be where he is today if I stayed." Clarke replied.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I guess we will never know, don't stress. The diner busy?" Octavia asked.

"Not really" Clarke replied as they fell into their normal comfortable conversation.


Bellamy was walking from desk to desk to praising his class on all there artwork. The imaginations they had were never ending and so in depth that they amazed him. It was fall so they were coloring pumpkins. When they finished he collected them all and put them on the wall. The artwork made the classroom feel more comfortable. He hated plain walls. They had snack time, then story time. He sat at his desk going over his lesson plans. He added the new weekly school news to each kids folder. He paused at Charlotte's folder seeing the signed papers tucked inside. He slipped them out taking a second to appreciate her neat cursive writing. He always joked about her becoming a doctor, she was dead set on going to med school. He always told her it would never work, bad handwriting was a requirement for doctors, job security, if people could read what she wrote then they wouldn't need to come back. She would always roll her eyes at him and continue on her work. He felt a small smile cross his lips. He missed her, always has, it's been six long years, six long years of wondering why she left, now hes wondering why she lied. His thought's were interrupted by one of the seniors who read the story today.

"Mr. Blake can you sign this, My next class is in ten minutes"

"Yea, thank you for reading today" he replied scrolling his name across the bottom of the kids sheet. One o'clock meant lunch and recess, so the kids got to run around outside working all the energy out of their systems just in time to eat and replenish themselves for the rest of the day. That gave him a forty five minute window to get something to eat. He walked to the diner quick ordering a grilled chicken wrap to go.

"Bellamy, long time no see" Nyko said walking to the counter.

"Yeah, I've been running around crazy, with the new school year starting and everything" he replied.

"Here I thought you were stopping in to see the new waitress, I was gonna say you just missed her"Nyko stated. Bellamy looked at him questioningly.

"Clarke, she works for me, and your sister" Nyko said with a confused expression.

"Did you not know?" he continued.

"Nope, wasn't aware. I haven't had the pleasure of running into her yet. Charlotte's in my class though."

"That girls precious." He replied.

"She is cute as ever, smart too" Bellamy replied with a smile.

"Orders up" sounded in the background. Nyko grabbed the bag and gave it to Bellamy.

"Good seeing you, don't be stranger" Nyko said.

"Good to see you too, Now that schools in session, you will see more of me then you want" Bellamy laughed as he headed out the door. He fought the urge to stop and see Octavia. He was still mad at her and he was sure that's where Clarke was. He took his lunch back to the classroom and ate quick before the kids came filing in. Once everyone was settled he started class.

"So we are going to do some alphabet games today, I am going to stand next to a letter and you are going to have to tell me what the letter is, If you get it right then we go to a different letter and you get a sticker on the chart. " he stated as he hung letters all around the room. He turned to see all eyes on him.

"The top three kids with the most stickers at the end of the week get to choose a book of their choice out of my surprise box to keep" he replied seeing them all smile. What kid doesn't love prizes. They played for awhile before switching to numbers. Before he knew it, it was time for the kids to leave. He helped them all get packed up and handed out the folders to put in the backpacks. The kids that rode the bus left with a teacher aid and the others played in the corner with the blocks until their parents came. Slowly one by one the kids left. Charlotte picked all the blocks up and put them away before walking along the wall.

"Mr. Blake?" she asked.

"Yes Charlotte?" he asked as he wiped the board clean.

"Can I take my pumpkin home?" she asked.

"Um, we put it up for everyone to see" he replied.

"I want to show my mom" she replied.

"She will see it when she picks you up" he smiled.

"Uncle Wells picks me up" she replied.

"So when she drops you off bring her in to see it" He tried, she sighed in defeat.

"She said she was mean to you" she stated.

"What?" Bellamy asked slightly taken back.

"She said she was mean to you, I just told her to say sorry, she said she can't come in, you don't like her" Charlotte said looking at him like he should know this.

"Is that so?" he asked receiving a nod. He stood pulling the tack out of the pumpkin and handing it to Charlotte.

"Hey there" Wells said entering the classroom.

"Thank you" she smiled as Mr. Blake handed her the artwork, before turning and running to Wells.

"Look what I made. We have to show mommy." Charlotte yelled trying to pull him out the door.

"Not so fast." Bellamy stated. Wells turned to look at him.

"You going to O's?" Bellamy asked.

"Yeah" Wells replied.

"Good I'll walk with you, Ms. Griffin and I need to talk." Bellamy said grabbing his jacket. Wells stood there slipping his phone from his pocket.

"Wells don't do it, there won't be a problem" he stated. Wells met his eyes before sighing and dropping the phone back in his pocket.

"You know somehow this will be my fault" Wells mumbled.

"That's okay, you're her favorite." Bellamy smiled, closing the door behind them.

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