Chapter 8

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Bellamy sent the class to lunch and headed out in the hallway. He closed his classroom door and slipped on his jacket as he headed for town. He was going to stop at Octavia's and return Clarke's letter to her. He was debating on telling her he read it, when he turned the corner and saw Clarke and Murphy walking together up ahead of him.

"Clarke" he called out jogging to catch up. They both turned at the sound of her name.

"Lunch time?" Clarke asked, as he stopped next to her.

"Yeah, what's up Murphy?" he answered, before greeting Murphy.

"Not much, accompanying a pretty lady on her walk" Murphy replied.

"Yea, I see that" Bellamy replied giving Clarke a smile.

"Alright, let's get you guys some coffee" She replied heading up the steps to Octavia's shop. She headed in, clocked in quick and brought them each a pastry to go with the coffee they got. Bellamy and Murphy sat at the coffee bar talking quietly among themselves, with Octavia and Clarke occasionally jumping in. Clarke busied herself trying to get all the small stuff done before the afternoon rush hit. The bell above the door jingled signalling a new customer. Clarke wiped the counter down quick, Murphys voice calling attention to the new arrival.

"Speak of the devil" he mumbled causing Clarke to look up at the customer.

"Clarke, do you have a minute?" He asked, his voice almost sweet. If she didn't know better, he would have fooled her, however the chill that ran through her body was hard to ignore.

"Uh, yea, let me just tell my boss" She replied quietly as she headed for Octavia.

"John Murphy, long time no see"

"Emerson, yea, I try to avoid that town now a days" He replied standing to shake his hand. Bellamy tensed at the name, turning to get a look at the man before scanning the room for Clarke. She was walking away from Octavia, coming out from the back of the counter. She met Bellamy's eyes briefly, too quick for him to read anything. She turned tapping Emerson on the shoulder.

"Can we step outside?" She asked quietly. Her heart was racing, of course Bellamy would find out about this now.

"Yeah, lets go" He replied with a smile heading for the door.

"How does that work?" Bellamy asked as the door closed.

"Clarke knows to tread lightly, they are out in public, she's safe for the most part" Murphy replied watching them cross in front of the windows and turn the corner of the building, he assumed to the small alley that was there.


"Clarke, you didn't call me, I don't like waiting" Emerson stated walking towards her. Out of habit she took a step back hitting the wall. She silently cursed herself for being out here alone. He took another step towards her, his body slightly pressed against hers.

"Emerson, I'll have to get you your money I just started working another job. I will pay you back"

"Got any money on you?" he asked trailing a hand down the side of her face. Her whole body tensed. She shook her head 'no' finding it hard to breathe let alone talk. He let his fingers slowly trail down her neck, his hand rested heavy on her collar bone before moving up to her neck. Her eyes shot to his. He was watching her intently. The weight of his hand on her neck was making it hard to swallow, He could see the fear in her eyes. His eyes revealed nothing to her, they were void of any emotion.

"I'll get you your money" she stated.

"You will, all two thousand worth." he said tightening his hand on her throat. Anger ran through her.

"I owe eighteen hundred" she replied quickly. His eyes met hers, begging for a challenge. He tightened his hand around her neck pressing her flush against the wall. She could feel the hard brick scraping the back of her neck. She let out a shaky breath and when she went to inhale he gripped her tighter making it impossible to get air. Her eyes met his, an instant panic setting in. He watched her struggling to breathe, trying to pull his hand away, tears running down her cheeks, a small smirk crossed his lips.

"You will pay me two thousand Clarke, and I don't like waiting." he stated before letting go of her and walking away. She coughed and gasped as she fell to the ground.

"I'll be in touch" he stated before turning on the sidewalk. She wiped her face and stood up, brushing dirt from her pants. She took a few deep breaths and headed back to the shop. She opened the door and made her way out back right to the bathroom.


Murphy and Bellamy turned at the sound of the bell just in time to see Clarke hurry to the back. Bellamy stood and stretched before walking to the end of the counter.

"O, can I get another cappuccino" Murphy asked as he watched Bellamy walk through the door to the back.

Bellamy walked into the back room, he could see the light from the bathroom shine across the room.

"Clarke, Can we talk?" Bellamy called. He watched the light that filtered out disappear as she turned the corner.

"Yea, in the office" she replied, her voice sounded like she had been crying, she walked past him to the other room in the back. He turned the light on as she sat in the chair, her eyes fixed on her hands.

"I found this in Charlotte's folder" he stated handing her the letter.

"Did you read it?" she asked.

"Yeah, and I put the rest together between Murphy and your friend that just visited." Bellamy answered truthfully.

"He's not my friend" she said looking up at him. Her eyes were bloodshot, he knelt down on one knee to tell her it was all going to be okay. That's what he hoped anyway. He was about to speak when he saw her neck. The hand print of Emerson clear as day around her throat, some spots were already starting to bruise. He reached up and let his fingers graze her neck causing her to jump. He was beyond angry, that happened to her when he sat on the other side of the wall, he could have stopped it, Murphy said she was going to be safe. The second his eyes met hers she just broke down in tears.

"Bellamy, I messed up" she sobbed pulling him to her.

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