Chapter 9

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Bellamy didn't comment, just held her silently, checking his watch from time to time. He sighed reading the watch before pulling away.

"Alright Princess, I have to go back to the school, my lunch is over. You going to be okay?, we can talk about it later." He stated wiping her tears away with his thumb. She nodded with a sniffle and stood up.

"What if he comes after Charlotte?" she asked quietly, her eyes locked on him.

"He won't, I won't let anything happen to her, or you. He just stopped in to scare you. I hate to ask but how much do you owe him?" Bellamy waited for an answer running his hands up and down her arms.

"Two Thousand" she replied. Bellamy nodded he heard her. He leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

"I'll stop in and see you when I'm done with work" he stated before walking out. Octavia popped her head in directly after.

"Hey, we are getting busy, I could use a hand" she said sending Clarke a look of sympathy.

"Of course" Clarke said forcing a smile and following Octavia out into the Coffee shop.


Bellamy walked to the school at a brisk pace. 'If she would have just stayed here, she wouldn't be in this mess' he thought to himself. No use dwelling on the past. He met his class at the playground and walked with them back to the classroom.

"Okay, everyone get in your seats, we are going to have a fun afternoon. We are going to do family trees." He stated passing out colored construction paper to each child.

"Everyone gets a tree." He stated holding up a brown pre-cut tree base.

"And everyone gets leaves." he stated holding them up to show the class. During arts & crafts he has a teachers aid to help, today he had the help of Harper, making things run a lot smoother.

Harper sat at one table and Bellamy sat at the other. They worked quietly with the students helping them glue and writing names on leaves for each child's tree. Once Bellamy's table was finished he led them out to the hall and they decorated the class board with the recently made trees. Harper joined him shortly after, the class slowly pinned them up one by one and made there way back into the class room. Bellamy's gaze ran over all the art work slowly. He suddenly felt his heart ache, he never even thought how this would effect Charlotte, his eyes searched hers out. He found it pinned on the bottom corner. Charlotte Griffin' s Family Tree. Clarke's name in the middle, Charlotte's name on the leaf underneath her. Then his eyes moved to the three leaves surrounding their names. 'Auntie O, Uncle Wells, Mr. Blake' He read silently to himself. He turned to look at the young girl next to him.

"It's nice right?" Charlotte asked.

"Yea, I'd say it's great. You know, we aren't really your family though right? Your mom and you are family" He stated looking at her. She smiled and nodded.

"I know, we don't share blood as mom says, but Mom said, the people who care about you, and love you, are your family" she replied honestly looking to him. He smiled back at her.

"Well then I guess that settles it, we must be family" he replied.

"Yup, I told you, my moms always right." she replied shaking her head walking into the class. He couldn't help but laugh, she was her mother just two feet shorter.


The end of the school day came quick. When Wells arrived to pick up Charlotte, Bellamy met him at the door.

"Can I talk to you out in the hall quick." Bellamy asked, gesturing out the door. Wells nodded.

"Charlotte, go get your stuff we are going to leave in a minute." She nodded heading to the back of the class as Bellamy clicked the door shut.

"Clarke had a visitor at work today, a loan shark from Polis, he left her pretty bruised along her neck. I am going to check on her after this, I was wondering if you could keep Charlotte with you, away from seeing her mother like that." He stated.

"Yeah, we will just go to Clarke's, I have a key. She's okay?" Wells asked.

"Just shaken up, Worried he might come after Charlotte." Bellamy replied.

"Yea, just keep me informed. I'll be at Clarke's" He replied. Bellamy nodded turning to open the door for Charlotte.

"Don't forget to show Uncle Wells your tree"

"I won't, bye Mr. Blake" she smiled taking Wells hand and dragging him down the wall. Bellamy smiled watching the smirk cross Wells lips.

"Would you look at that, a big happy family huh?" Wells said to Charlotte.

"Yup we are" she replied as they headed towards the door. A few more kids were picked up and he could finally leave. He locked the classroom and headed out, he ran a few errands and stopped at his house to grab his SUV on his way to the coffee shop. He pulled up out front and parked. He could see Clarke and Octavia chatting away at the counter. He knew he was about to piss Clarke off but it was the best solution he could think of. He got out of his car and headed into the coffee shop. Clarke looked up giving him a smile but looking around him, like she was expecting him to have other company.

"Wells and Charlotte went home, I just figured she shouldn't see your neck right away, however I see you have found a scarf" he smirked.

"Thanks Bell" She replied.

"O, can I take her?, now?" He asked knowing she only had a few mins of her shift left anyway.

"Yeah, go ahead" she smiled. Clarke took off her apron and grabbed her jacket. He waited for her by the door. She came out of the back giving Octavia a slight smile before walking towards Bellamy. He held the door open, following her out once she passed through. He stopped and opened the passenger door to the SUV.

"Get in." he said giving her a smile. She hopped up in the seat. He closed the door gently before making his way around and getting in the drivers seat. They put their seat belts on as he pulled away from the curb. She looked around the car, a nice interior, it smelt like him in there. She took a second to glance at him. He was always handsome as she recalled, but not like this. He was strong, ruggedly handsome, and intriguing in every way now. She looked away trying to shake her thoughts from her head when she noticed they were headed out of town.

"Bellamy, where are we going? I live in the other direction."

"I'm not taking you home." he replied

"So where are you taking me?" she asked.

"Polis" he replied.

Mr. Blake (Bellarke Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora