Chapter 16

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"I can't believe you sold me out" Clarke stated as she walked into Murphy's later that morning. She set a coffee on his desk and set her own on the window sill.

"I see you are real upset over it" he replied glancing at the coffee she gifted him.

"Should I be worried about what you put in here?" he asked opening the top.

"Do I strike you as the type of person to poison you?" Clarke asked logging on her computer.

"Nope, you strike me as the type of person to spit in it" he laughed.

"Nice, real nice" she replied dryly.

"Hey I thought highly of you until you kicked me, you created your own demise." he looked at her. She just shook her head at him as she thumbed through files. Just then Lincoln dropped in and dropped of a large box in front of Clarke's desk.

"What's this?" She asked.

"From O" he smiled heading back out the door. Clarke came around opening the door.

"God I love her." Clarke said pulling arms full of Halloween decorations out of the box.

"You aren't putting those up in here." Murphy stated.

"I most certainly am, you just sit there and worry about your stuff, you don't have to help." She smiled holding up all kinds of stuff to hang around the office. By the time her shift was almost over the office looked like a Halloween town.

"What do you think?"

"I think it looks okay, overly festive, but not bad" he replied.

"Good" she replied looking very proud of herself.

"Does that mean you are actually going to work now? I'm not paying you to be an interior decorator, you know that right?" he stated.

"Oh please it's only Halloween decorations." she replied

"Clarke, every week we acquire two to three new plants, aside from the jungle that is taking over my office, now the Halloween decor, which I know will change to Thanksgiving and then Christmas, all in the next twelve weeks" He gave her a knowing glance, receiving a big grin.

"You love it Murphy, every second and every inch of it, don't even lie" Clarke teased.

"Yeah, I don't know what I would do without you." he deadpanned. Just then the door opened and a gust came in accompanying Bellamy and Charlotte. Decor moved and bounced, the ghosts hanging from the ceiling swirled around and a witch cackled somewhere in the room.

"Welcome to Hell" Murphy greeted Bellamy who raised his eyebrows knowingly in return.

"I see she has been busy" He smiled.

"Yup, busy at everything but work, busy decorating, busy being a pain in my ass." Murphy stated. The witch cackled again and Clarke watched Murphy's eyes travel the room.

"Where is that thing?" he asked seriously.

"I will never tell" she laughed grabbing her stuff. Murphy shook his head.

"Do you see what I deal with?" he asked Bellamy as he powered his computer down.

"You hired her, don't feel bad, like mother, like daughter, my house looks like this, compliments of Charlotte." Bellamy chuckled as they all headed out together, leaving the cackling witch behind for the night.

Bellamy walked with them back to his house. Charlotte couldn't wait to show Clarke all the hard work she put in decorating.

"How was she?" Clarke asked.

"She was great, we had a blast. We ordered pizza on the way here, just have to stop and grab it on our way back through. Hope you are hungry." he stated.

"That was very nice of you, thank you" she replied sending him a smile. Bellamy grabbed the pizza and they headed back to his place.

"Wow" was the only word Clarke said when she saw Bellamy's porch. Charlotte put a lot of work into it, that was obvious, it looked like the doorway to a haunted house.

"Do you like it?" Charlotte asked quickly.

"I love it" Clarke replied, knowing too well that Bellamy probably cringed seeing the final outcome of it. She waited until they got inside, Charlotte slipped her shoes off, slid a piece of pizza out of the box and moved to the couch turning the t.v. on.

"Just make yourself at home" Bellamy laughed. He could see the horror on Clarke's face.

"Charlotte, you don't just" she started to scold her daughter when Bellamy cleared his throat and slipped past her handing Charlotte a plate.

"Bellamy, I'm so sorry, she doesn't act like this normally." Clarke assured him.

"Clarke, she's a kid, she looked like she was afraid to touch anything when she first got here today, I told her earlier my house is her house, no holding back. It's alright" Bellamy said giving her a lopsided grin.

"What do you think of your porch?" Clarke asked. Bellamy shot her a look, resulting in laughter from Clarke. He slid her a plate with pizza on it.

"Pepperoni and black olives, my favorite" she stated sitting on her the stool at the counter.

"I know, I remember" he stated pouring her a drink.

"Charlotte, Octavia, and I are going to Polis Friday. Our Halloween costumes are in and Charlotte needs to pick one out."

"So no dinner?" he asked.

"No dinner" she replied.

"What are you going to be?" He asked her.

"It's a secret."

"Are you going to be something different during the day as opposed to the Halloween party at Azgeda?"

"I was thinking about it, I think Octavia is too, the costumes we chose are a little to risky for kids trick or treating" She smiled. He shot her a look.

"How risky?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"You will just have to wait and see."

"Can I have a hint?" he asked

"You will like it" she stated.

"Clarke, that doesn't help, you could wear a winter jacket or be naked, I'd like it either way." He said watching her.

"Yea, but you would like one more than the other, lets lean towards that one. You can see a fair amount of skin."

"Clarke, don't make me lock you in the house." He stated, his eyes slightly darker then before.

"Yea right, you would have to lock Octavia in too then"

"That can easily be done." he stated seriously.

"You gonna dress up?" she asked him.

"Yeah right, as a teacher, maybe I'll bring a ruler, just so I don't have to be asked what I am all night" he replied, the grin he was receiving was unsettling, like he was falling into a trap he didn't know about.

"What?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing, I think the ruler would be a good touch, sounds perfect." She replied still smiling.

"Why do you look guilty of something?" he asked.

"Me?" she asked innocently.

"Yeah, you" he replied pointing at her.

"You will just have to wait and find out." she laughed at his groan he responded with.

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