Chapter 31

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Clarke had just put the stuffing in the turkey when the door bell rang. Octavia and Lincoln had been at the house since the sun came up and everyone else wasn't due till three so it had to be Finn's parents. She took a deep breath washing her hands quick and grabbing a towel to dry them on the way to the door. Bellamy met her right before she reached the entranceway. He gave her a reassuring smile and stood behind her as she opened the door.

"Clarke, great to see you again" Frank's voice coasted through the door.

"You too" she smiled.

"Bellamy, Nice to see you also" He greeted once he moved passed her. She took a step forward closing the door behind her and meeting Gloria on the porch.

"Clarke how nice to see you" Gloria greeted heading up the steps.

"Likewise, before you go in, I just wanted to let you know the comment you made about Bellamy last time was not appreciated. Whether you like him or not, he is part of my family and he will be treated like one or you will not be invited over again, he has stepped up because your son wouldn't. Charlotte is blessed to have him in her life and that is all that matters to me, same goes for all the others who will be here today." Clarke stated meeting the womans eyes.

"Understood, I apologize for letting my emotions run away with me" she replied kindly.

"Now that I got that out, let's introduce you to Charlotte" Clarke smiled seeing the woman's eyes light up. She opened the door receiving a questioning look from Bellamy.

"Charlotte is in with Octavia." he spoke softly nodding to the living room. Clarke sent him a smile as he went to join Lincoln in the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Collins followed closely behind her as she led the way. Octavia looked up seeing them in the doorway.

"Looks like you have visitors kiddo" Octavia smiled sending them a wave. Charlotte looked up from her coloring book.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte." she smiled. Clarke could hear Gloria sniffle behind her. Charlotte looked like Finn, there was no denying that, if it wasn't for the Blonde hair you wouldn't know Clarke had anything to do with the situation. She stepped to the side letting Finn's parents fully through the door.

"Charlotte, I want you to meet Grandma and Grandpa Collins" Clarke introduced.

"I've never had a Grandma or a Grandpa before" she replied looking them over closely.

"We are lot's of fun, trust me" Grandpa Collins smiled, he made his was over to the little girl and sat next to her on the floor.

"Clarke, I can't thank you enough" Gloria whispered, tears running down her cheeks.

"It's my pleasure, go, have fun" Clarke said gesturing to the couch, Octavia stood letting Gloria sit.

"I think secretly, you helped all of them out in one shot, you helped them heal and her grow" Octavia said standing next to her.

"I hope so" Clarke smiled in return watching Charlotte color with Grandpa Collins. Bellamy came in with a few more coloring books and crayons.

"Just in case anyone else wants to color" he smiled setting them down on the table.

"Will you color with us grandma collins?" Charlotte asked.

"Of course dear" she smiled wiping her eyes. Bellamy slid a box of tissues in front of her.

"Thank you" she said looking up at him.

"No problem" he headed back past Clarke pressing a kiss to her temple on the way by.


The girls were setting the table when Wells hurried in.

"About time you got here" Clarke lectured.

"Do you know Finn's parents are in the living room?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"I did, where's Murphy?" she replied with a smile.

"He's posted at the living room entryway, in case they tried to lure her out of the house." he replied seriously.

"Oh for the love of God, they aren't stealing her, they were invited to dinner" Bellamy stated walking past Wells to check on the effect Murphy's presence was having.

Bellamy rounded the corner running smack into Murphy.

"Dinner should be ready shortly" Bellamy smiled at all of them.

"Can Grandma and Grandpa Collins sit by me?" Charlotte asked excited.

"Of course sweetie." He replied pulling Murphy into the foyer with him.

"Grandma and Grandpa?! Are we temporarily insane in this house or what?" Murphy asked quietly.

"Listen it's not topping my list of great ideas, I'm hoping its a good decision, as I don't think Clarke or Charlotte would handle it well if it were to end badly." he replied running a hand over his face.

"Who's idea was it?"

"Who do you think?" Bellamy asked sarcastically.

"Clarke, of course, I should have known" Murphy sighed shaking his head.

"Clarke of course what? If you want to eat I suggest you choose words wisely" Clarke stated playfully from behind them causing Murphy to jump.

"You of course made the dinner, smells amazing" he smiled heading for the kitchen. Bellamy stood looking at her with a smirk.

"That was a good save"

"You heard it all, didn't you?"

"Yup, I understand though, I'm skeptical too, we will never know if I don't give them the opportunity though"

"That's true" Bellamy replied just as Charlotte an The Collin's came around the corner.

"I hope everyone is hungry, there is a ton of food" Clarke said gesturing towards the dining room.

Lincoln just finished setting the food out as they all gathered around the table. Charlotte sat at the one end with Grandma and Grandpa Collins on each side of her. Murphy and Wells sat in between them and Clarke, Bellamy sat at the opposite end of Charlotte and Octavia and Lincoln next to him. Everyone talked ate and enjoyed each others company, for the first time in a long time everything felt like it fell in place. Clarke sat watching Charlotte talk animatedly with her Grandparents and couldn't be happier about the situation. Bellamy sat watching Clarke keep an eye on Charlotte. He couldn't imagine his life any different. He loved her, and he loved Charlotte. Wells and Murphy talked sports with Lincoln and Octavia, everyone remained at the table until the late hours of the evening.

"This is the best Thanksgiving I've had in a long time" Clarke said lifting her glass to meet Bellamy's.

"Likewise Princess"

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