Chapter 27

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Bellamy returned to pick up Charlotte giving Clarke a quick kiss and heading off to the school. Clarke took her alone time to clean while she had the chance. She threw a load of laundry in and sat on the couch folding the load she just retrieved from the dryer. She was trying to pick a music channel for background noise when a knock sounded at the door. She opened the door to reveal two people she would have been happy to welcome into her home seven years ago, however now she wasn't the least bit excited to see them.

"Clarke, how good it is to see you." the voice of Mrs. Collin's went right through her.

"Clarke" Mr. Collins nodded to her.

"Good to see you two also." Clarke forced a smile after her greeting. She watched the woman look past her into the house.

"We heard you had a child? Is she here? we would love to meet her?" Mrs. Collins pried.

"Actually I did, her name is Charlotte and she is in school right now, you remember Bellamy right? He's her teacher." Clarke replied.

"Yes, we do remember Bellamy, I take it he got what he wanted." the woman snapped.

"Gloria" her husband scolded quietly.

"I don't mean to be rude, but what is the purpose of this visit?" Clarke asked becoming agitated quickly.

"Is your daughter, the daughter of our son?" she asked. Clarke admired the fact that she wanted answers.

"Your son would have been the father, however he wanted nothing to do with me and a baby, So I left, she doesn't know who her father was, she has my last name, and I have no intentions of telling her who he was, because then I would have to explain how he didn't want her"Clarke responded looking to the women, awaiting the challenge she knew was coming.

"Well, we would love to meet her, every child should have grandparents Clarke, Without your parents or Bellamy's around, we would love to fill the void. Please just think about it and get back to us." Gloria spoke, Clarke could see the tears in her eyes.

"That's our number and our address, please consider, we lost Finn and it has been hard to adjust, it almost felt like a godsend when we overheard Octavia talking to Raven, we were waiting for Raven to change the oil in our car. We couldn't believe our ears, we came here on a hope that she was indeed our grandchild." Frank added handing her a piece of paper.

"I will be in touch. I just need to figure out a way to fit you in her life" Clarke replied. She understood their want, and didn't see a problem. After all she moved back to give them a sense of belonging, maybe there was a reason they were on her doorstep.

"Thank you so much" Finn's mom stepped forward pulling her into a hug. His father gave her a nod and they turned and headed back to their car. Clarke gave them a small wave as they pulled away.

"Well that was unexpected" She said as she closed the door. She busied herself with house work until noon. She got dressed and met Bellamy at O's for lunch. His warm grin greeted her on the sidewalk in front of the school, he stole a quick kiss and they turned in the direction of the coffee shop.

"So you will never guess who stopped by this morning" Clarke started. Bellamy glanced at her waiting for the answer.

"Finn's parents" she added.

"What? why?" he asked puzzled.

"Charlotte, they want to be in her life."

"And your thought's on this?"

"I think they are trying to fill a void in their lives"

"Temporarily? or permanently?" he asked.

"That's my concern, I don't know if it is to help them get through the loss of Finn or because they really want to be a part of her life, I'm hoping for the latter, Your opinion?" she asked looking to Bellamy.

"She is their granddaughter, Maybe just play it by ear, short visits with you, then maybe let them babysit a time a two." he replied.

"That's what I was thinking." she replied.

"You going home after this?" Bellamy asked.

"Yeah, I am fully enjoying my time off." she smiled grabbing his hand as they approached the shop.

He pulled her into him and kissed the top of her head before they entered the shop.

"Hey!" Octavia greeted.

"Oh Clarke, I almost forgot" she started.

"They already paid me a visit" Clarke said cutting her off. Octavia froze.

"I'm sorry, oh my God it slipped my mind, how did it go?" she asked. Clarke filled her in as Bellamy went and got them coffee. He slid the cup on the counter in front of Clarke.

"Thanks" she smiled.

"I did all the grocery shopping for tonight, sauce is in the crock pot as speak and I texted everyone so we are a go" Octavia smiled.

"Great, I have stuff for the salad, so I'll throw that together before I come over." Clarke added.

"I have to grade some stuff, I'll drop Charlotte off on the way to my house and then meet you at Octavia's" Bellamy stated.

"Okay, are you leaving already?" Clarke asked seeing Bellamy zip his jacket.

"Yeah, gonna try and knock some grading out now, so I can come over earlier." he smiled kissing her lightly before heading out.

"So that's going well, I take it?" Octavia asked.

"Yeah, Hes great. Charlotte loves him" Clarke couldn't wipe the smile off her face if she had too.

"Murphy been in yet?" Clarke inquired.

"Nope, I think he did the diner today" Octavia replied.

"I was just wondering if my old friends had been in yet" She glanced out the window.

"I saw a group make a few visits, but it has been quiet since then"

"Good, I'll take him a coffee quick and then head home" Clarke said grabbing a cup off the stack, she filled and said a quick goodbye before heading over to the Storage center.

The bell rang above her letting Murphy know someone was entering.

"I said stay away and you bring coffee" he stated giving her a look.

"Well hello to you too, and your welcome for your coffee, I'm heading home, just wanted to drop that off" She smiled setting it on his desk.

"Thank you, now get out" He stated.

"Pushy, Pushy" she teased as she headed out the door. He watched her turn the corner out of sight. Not even one minute later the door opened revealing Dax and Emerson.

'That was perfect timing' Murphy thought to himself.

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