Chapter 39

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They opened gifts after dinner, everyone with piles similar to what they brought in.

Clarke, Bellamy, and Charlotte all went into the kitchen to bring out deserts and after dinner beverages to the living room.

"Are we going to tell them now?!" Charlotte asked excitedly.

"I suppose we could" Bellamy joked slipping the box from his pocket. He slipped Clarke's wedding ring on her finger and she placed his on his finger.

"Auntie O is gonna freak"

"That's one way to put it" Bellamy chuckled.

"Alright, lets do this" Clarke said carrying trays of food out.

No sooner did she set the food down did Charlotte burst.

"Mom and Mr. Blake got married"

"What?" Octavia asked.

"Yup at the court house yesterday" Charlotte continued.

" You didn't tell me? I thought we were going to do a big wedding?" Octavia was obviously irritated.

"We still can but we wanted to be together now and not wait for all the planning and stuff." Clarke replied.

"We have another announcement too" Bellamy stated.

"We are having Girl's"

"Girl's? " Murphy asked sounding out the word to put emphasis on the fact that is was indeed plural.

"Yup, twins" Charlotte piped up grinning from ear to ear.

"You poor man" Mr. Collins joked shaking Bellamy's hand.

"Oh my Gosh I am so happy, you are forgiven for the eloping thing." Octavia said pulling her into a hug.

The evening was full of congratulations, smiles and just great family time. Bellamy didn't know it then but he would long for it before this pregnancy was over.

*5 Months Later, 2 weeks from her due date*

The 'Wrath of Clarke' as Murphy was calling it now a days, was on full blast. Or 'Hurricane Clarke' as Wells called it, was making a direct hit.

The poor girl was a rollercoaster of emotions, she was ready to have these babies and Bellamy was ready to have his wife back, the nice side at least.

There was less then a month of school left and Charlotte couldn't wait for a summer with new sisters.

It was a Friday and Charlotte's grandparents just picked her up from school, she was spending the weekend with them to give her mom a break, Bellamy gave her a kiss on the top of the head before opening the car door for her to get in.

"See you Sunday munchkin, Listen to your grandparents" he stated.

"I will, I love you dad" She said it so quickly he almost missed it, almost. He couldn't hide the grin if he had too. 'Dad' he loved the sound of it, and loved that it came from Charlotte. That was a big step for them, she finally accepted he wasn't going anywhere and either were they. This was it, they were all going to be together from here on out.

"I love you too kid" he smiled shutting the door and watching them pull away. He needed that, the closer they were getting to the babies arriving the more Clarke was argumentative. Bellamy would never hold it against her and did what he could to keep her happy. He knew it was alot, he could imagine it wasn't comfortable, and he was certain it was coming to an end any day now. She cleaned the house from top to bottom a thousand times. Over did it everyday, exceeding the limits the doctors set in place. He looked down at his watch as he turned towards the school. A sigh escaping his lips.

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