Chapter 6

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Bellamy led her to the place where he offered her everything he could give six years ago. The memories in this spot were loud, almost deafening.

"I haven't been here since that day" he said as they approaced the edge of the lake.

"Me either" she responded.

"It was our place, always will be." he said looking out over the water.

"I'm sorry Bellamy, for everything, I"

"Clarke, you lied to me, you lied to all of us. You left me." He cut her off abruptly.

"I couldn't tell you" her voice sounded broken, Bellamy was sure his did too.

"Why not? I offered everything I had Clarke, I would have taken care of you and Charlotte" he argued.

"Exactly, you would have cleaned up my mess, you would have given up what you worked hard to get for me." she stated.

"It was my choice Clarke." he stated his voice raised.

"No, it was my choice Bellamy, not your's, It was my mistake, my responsibility, not yours."

"So what you decide to lie to make it better, did you think Finn would step up?" he asked clearly pissed.

"I talked to Finn before you showed up that day, he told me to get an abortion, he didn't want a baby." She stated, he could see her eyes well up with tears.

"So why did you leave?" he pried.

"You know as well as I do, you wouldn't have let me do it alone, and I wasn't about to let you throw away your future on my account. You had a scholarship to a top school. You worked to help Octavia through school. The last thing you needed was me and a baby added to your list." He paused.

"You left for me? I loved you Clarke, I looked for you for two years, you wouldn't even pick up your phone, You didn't think about me at all, you made your decision and picked up life as normal in another town, Leaving me and everyone else behind." he yelled at her. A few people in the park turning in there direction to see what the commotion was.

"I'm sorry, I should have never left, I came back because I need you, I need my friends, I thought I could, but I can't do this alone." She yelled through tears.

"You don't have to do this alone, you are just to stubborn for your own good, just ask for help Clarke, let me help you."

Clarke stood there looking at him. She gave him a small nod before a sob escaped her lips. He walked towards her and she fell into her arms. Last time she felt his arms around her was in this same place the same way. She let him hold her as she soaked his shirt with tears. He just stood there rubbing light circles on her back.

"You are gonna be okay, everything is going to be okay, I won't let you down" he whispered in her ear.

"But I let you down" she mumbled in his shirt.

"Everyone is entitled to a mistake every now and then." Bellamy gave a slight laugh.

"It was six years Bell" she stated. 'Bell, it feels good to hear her say that again' he thought.

"Six years that have passed, let it go Clarke, you can't move forward if you dwell on the past" he stated loosening his grip.

"I missed you every second of it, I cried for you when I had Charlotte, I went into labor and I just kept telling the nurse I needed Bellamy. Instead I just had the nurse. Charlotte deserved better, deserved to have all of you in her life from day one."

"Clarke, look at me." He said waiting for her eyes to meet his. Her eyes were red and puffy, just the sight of her made his heart ache. Octavia would always tell him he was always soft when it came to Clarke.

"You need to let it go, we can't change it, all we can do is change going forward" he stated. She gave him a small smile and a nod.

"I missed you" she said quietly.

"and I missed you" he replied pulling her into a hug.

"What do you say we get something to eat?" Bellamy asked letting go of her.

"Yeah, that sounds good" She replied.

"Good, let's go." he said walking towards town as she fell in step with him. They headed up the stairs to the diner, Bellamy holding the door open for her. There sat Wells, Octavia, and Charlotte. Bellamy shot them a smile guiding Clarke over to them with a hand on her back.

"Can we get two more menus please Nyko?" Bellamy asked.

"Of course" he replied sliding them on the table as Clarke and Bellamy each pulled up a chair.

"Did you two have fun at the park?" Charlotte asked. Clarke gave her a smile.

"I don't know if fun is what I would call it but close enough"

"Are you still friends?" she asked.

"You bet" Bellamy replied giving Clarke a smile before turning to Charlotte.

"What about you, are you having fun with Uncle Wells and Auntie O?" Bellamy asked.

"Oh yes, we always have fun" Charlotte said before drinking her milk.

"We do, don't we" Wells smiled.

"So are you going to bring that pumpkin back to hang on the wall?" Bellamy asked.

Charlotte smirked and shook her head no. She stole a glance at Octavia and then her mom.

"What?" Bellamy asked her. She didn't answer.

"Charlotte it's not nice to keep secrets" he smiled.

"Auntie O took it" she said quick causing all of them to laugh.

"Hey don't throw me in, that's not nice either" Octavia laughed.

"Auntie O is a bad influence, don't listen to her" Bellamy said smiling at Octavia.

"I am not, Clarke?" Octavia waited for her input.

"No you are not, you just spoil her and she knows she can do no wrong" Clarke answered.

"That's a fact" Wells added.

"You aren't any better" Clarke retorted earning a mock glare. It felt good to have fun, it felt perfect to have them all together in the diner. The diner that held them every Friday night of their teenage lives. She was glad to have her friends back, glad to have her life back, now if she could just get a reign on things, everything in her life should fall into place.

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