Chapter 28

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Thank you to all my readers and reviewers, you guys are the best xoxoxo...So the Season 4 trailer was released today, what did you all think? I thought it was very intriguing and I can't wait till Feb 1st!


Bellamy was grading papers at his desk silently, waiting for his class to return from recess. A soft knock on the door pulled his attention away from the papers.

"Mr. Blake? One of your students was pushed off the bleachers by some of the first graders" Harper informed him.

"Are they okay?"

"We think she broke her arm, it's Charlotte" She stated. Bellamy stood quickly.

"Where is she? the nurses office?" He asked, a slight panic to him.

"Yeah" Harper replied.

"Can you stay here and wait for the class?" he asked her.

"Of course, go" she answered entering the classroom. He jogged down the long corridor, the nurse's office was right at the end. There she sat on the cot, Arm in a sling and tear stained cheeks. He felt his heart break for the little girl.

"Mr. Blake, she was asking for you" The nurse informed him. He approached Charlotte kneeling down in front of her.

"How ya feeling kiddo?" he asked. She just looked at him and burst into tears.

"That good huh?" he joked before turning to the nurse.

"Did you call Ms. Griffin?" he asked.

"Twice, no answer" She replied. He gave her a nod, now that he thought about it he didn't see Clarke with her phone at lunch, it was probably still on the charger at the house.

"I'll take her, Let me go see if Harper can cover me" he said standing.

"I'll be right back Charlotte" he said the the little girl before stepping out the door.

"I was the nurse when your mommy and Mr. Blake went to school here, it's crazy to see them all grown up" the nurse spoke softly to the child. She dialed Clarke's number, again nothing. This time she left a message letting her know what happened and that Mr. Blake was taking her to the E.R.

Bellamy entered with his jacket and Charlottes. He got the girl as bundled up as he could without moving her arm.

"How's that? Too tight? or okay?" He asked giving a light tug on the zipper.

"That's good" she replied quietly.

"Good, you are going to be okay, I promise" he assured her, her big brown eyes peered up at him.

"Can we go get mommy?" she asked, her voice so weak he was afraid she might break.

"You bet, let's go" he gave her a smile and she took his hand, he stopped at the office to sign her out and they headed to his car. He got her buckled in, thankfully her booster seat was already in there from the last time they rode together. Just as he started the car his phone rang, a picture of Clarke and Charlotte crossing the screen.

"Hello" he answered.

"Oh my God Bell is she okay?" the voice that rang through the phone was pure panic.

"Take a deep breath babe, she is okay, the more worked up you are the more she will be. I am on my way to you." he spoke calmly and slowly. He could hear her sigh in the phone. He knew she was pacing the front porch.

"Yeah, okay, I'll be ready when you get here" she replied slightly more relaxed. Slightly.

As he turned on to their street he could see her leaning against the railing. She met him in the driveway and got into the car.

"Charlotte sweetie, are you okay?" she asked in a rush. Bellamy reached out a hand and placed it on her leg, giving her a gentle squeeze. She turned to look at him momentarily. He gave her a small smile that she returned before looking back to Charlotte.

"Mommy, it hurts, but I'm okay" Charlotte replied looking out the window. Bellamy took some side streets and they were at the hospital before they knew it. Clarke got out and made her way around the car opening the door for Charlotte as Bellamy got out.

They walked into the building, Clarke walked up the desk and was filling out paperwork. Bellamy and Charlotte took a seat in the waiting area. Before he could ask her if she wanted her jacket off the Nurse called her name. Clarke made her way to the nurse, Charlotte stood heading towards her mother before slowing and turning around.

"Aren't you coming?" She asked Bellamy.

"I can if you want me too, yeah" he replied standing. She reached her hand out grabbing his as they walked down the hallway. He looked to Clarke who was watching them intently. They followed the nurse to the room. She went through her series of questions that Clarke answered endlessly.

"Last questions, Emergency Contacts, I assume you are Clarke Griffin, and this would be Bellamy Blake?" she asked. Bellamy's head shot up.

"Yeah, uh, I'm Bellamy" he replied.

"Relation to the patient" she asked.

"He's my boyfriend" Clarke replied. The nurse nodded that she heard her and then started asking Charlotte questions.

At that moment it became incredibly real to Bellamy that Clarke was indeed staying around and her and Charlotte were a very important part of his life. Clarke trusted him enough to list him as an emergency contact for her daughter. That was a big deal to him, maybe not to someone else, but that child was her world and she trusted him with her. She would never know how much that meant to him. He was shaken from his thoughts when Charlotte nudged him.

"You okay?" Bellamy asked quietly.

"I'm scared, can I sit on your lap?" she asked looking down at her hands.

"Of course, I promise, you will be okay, No one will hurt you" he spoke softly as she climbed into his lap. He wrapped an arm around her and placed a kiss on top of her head before glancing over at Clarke. She was looking at him, he could see she was holding tears back.

"Thank you" she said catching him off guard. He looked at her questioningly.

"Thank you for being you, and for being here for Charlotte and I" she clarified. He gave her a smile.

"There is no place I'd rather be" he replied honestly.

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