Chapter 36

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Bellamy approached Murphy, happy at the chance to release his anger, thought of Clarke laying in a hospital bed, knowing she could have been killed, could have lost a baby they didn't even know about at the time. Charlotte could have lost her mother, he was livid with Dax. It all happened so fast, he couldn't tell you what happened after he landed his first hit. He completely blacked out, it wasn't until Lincoln and Murphy shoved him in a car that he snapped out of it. Wells took off before the door was even shut, sirens could be heard in the distance.

They drove him back to his house,

"Change and throw your clothes in a bag, I'll take them" Murphy stated as he stepped out.

He gave them a nod before heading into the house. He stripped off his clothing as he walked into the bathroom flipping the light on. He glanced in the mirror, stopping short, blood soaked his shirt. His hands were a mess, he could feel his heart beating at a rapid rate. He couldn't remember what he did to Dax, he certainly didn't feel any remorse. He would do whatever it takes to protect Charlotte, Clarke and the baby. Although if he didn't see it himself, he wouldn't have believed it. That man in the mirror, that was not who he was. Who he needed to be at the time, maybe, but definitely not him, he turned the water on in the sink unable to look away from his reflection. He closed his eyes momentarily before cupping his hands under the flowing water and leaning over to splash his face.

When he looked up he was still the same person, part of him hoped maybe it would cleanse him somehow. Not that it mattered, he would do it again if he had too. He made quick work of getting dressed. he stuffed his clothes and the bloody towel in a garbage bag and headed out the door. Murphy stood on the porch.

"I'll take those, tell Clarke I'll be by tomorrow" he stated grabbing the bag.

Bellamy nodded, acknowledging he heard him before descending the stairs and heading to the car. Murphy walked in the other direction.

Octavia sat quietly reading an article on her phone while Clarke slept soundly in front of her. The door opening brought her attention to the guys. Lincoln came in first.

"You ready?" he asked her. She gave him a nod smiling as she stood and taking his hand. She gave Clarke one last glance before heading out, Wells peeked through the window seeing her sleeping. He gave Bellamy a pat on the back following Octavia and Lincoln out of the building.

Bellamy stood outside the door, gathering his thoughts before entering her room. He pulled the chair alongside her bed and made himself comfy.

"Sweetheart, you look like hell" he whispered moving hair from her face. A slight smile crossed her face.

"You are one to talk, I can see your hands in the light from the t.v." He returned her smirk.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good, tired" she moved her hand over his. She could feel the heat and swelling over his knuckles.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly, taking note of the way he looked down at their hands and wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he replied quietly. Her hand moved up to his face, letting her fingers trace his jaw line. She applied gentle pressure turning his head to meet her eyes. He looked up at her, he looked unsure of something.

"Talk to me babe" she urged him to speak.

"You are safe. That is all you need to know" he replied.

"I had no fear of not being safe"

"Now you have no reason too" he replied.

"Bellamy, I know you will always keep Charlotte, the new baby and I safe. If I thought differently I never would have came back. I came back to outrun the past, but subconsciously I think it was more for you. I knew I could depend on you, and if not me, I knew Charlotte could depend on you."

"Clarke, What I did tonight, I can't say I regret it, I can't even remember all of it"

"Bellamy, if it's forgiveness you need, I'll give that to you. You're forgiven. Don't ever be sorry for doing what's best for your family. I will always stand beside you."

"Clarke, What did I do to deserve you?"

"You stood beside me, you love me, you love Charlotte" she smiled teary eyed.

He leaned down pressing his lips to hers. She could feel his cheeks were moist with a few tears that managed to fall.

" You are never getting rid of me" he chuckled.

"Good thing I Love you too then" she laughed with him. She pulled at him moving over slightly. He took the hint slipping in the bed beside her. With his arms wrapped around her she fell asleep within minutes.


Two days later she got to go home, Murphy picked her up as Bellamy had to work.

"Ms. Griffin, I'm going to turn you over to Mr. Murphy, Feel Better soon." The nurse smiled at him wheeling her towards him.

"Call me John, please" he smiled.

" Well John, it's nice to meet you. I'm Emori" she returned the smile extending her hand to him. He pulled her hand to his lips placing a kiss to her knuckles. Clarke rolled her eyes averting her attention away from them.

"The pleasure is all mine" he smiled. Blush tinted her cheeks.

"Maybe we can get coffee sometime?"

"I'd like that, my numbers on Clarke's discharge sheets, send me a message, I'm free after 1pm usually." She smiled.

"Will do, see you soon" he smiled confidently taking control of the wheel chair. They arrived at the elevators just in time. Murphy caught the edge with the wheel jerking Clarke forward.

"Murphy! Pay attention" she scolded as the doors closed .

"I don't buy this limited work crap, I expect to see you monday."

" With pleasure" she gave a slow drawl imitating his earlier conversation. He shot her a look.

"Don't show up Monday, you are fired" he replied. She burst out in laughter filling the small elevator, the quick action causing her to cough.

" You would never." she replied matter of factly.

"Your right, but not because I like working with you, it'd be because I'd feel bad for Charlotte and Bellamy with you home all the time." he answered as the doors opened.

" Nice, Jerk" he laughed wheeling her out to the car. The first few minutes of the ride was silent. Clarke fidgeted and sighed before turning towards him.

"Thank you, for saving me, for being Uncle John, for being someone I can count on, I couldn't ask for a better friend" she eyed him awaiting a response.

" Yeah, no problem. If I'm your hero, that means the new baby is named after me right?" He asked looking to her.

"Wrong, nice try though"

"Good luck to you little one, your Mom is a royal pain in the ass" he mumbled.

"I heard that"

"I'm sure it's nothing you didn't already know" he smiled

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