Chapter 24

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Clarke woke up cold, opening her eyes as she reached for a blanket. Her hands searching, blinded by darkness. She could hear Bellamy snoring lightly next to her, she felt her way towards him, finding the blankets. He had successfully cocooned himself up in the blankets. She reached out shaking him lightly.

"Bell, come on, you have to share" She whined quietly but couldn't help the small smile that crossed her lips when she heard him move slightly and felt his arms reach out for her, drawing her close to him before cocooning them both in the blanket.

"Better?" he whispered.

"Much better" she replied relaxing into his arms, before drifting back to sleep.

Next time she opened her eyes the sunlight was filtering thorough the blinds into Bellamy's room. Her mouth she swore could beat the desert on a level of dryness and she had a slight dull ache in her head. It had been awhile since she drank, and it was obvious her body wasn't used to it. She laid still for a minute letting her body enjoy being wrapped in Bellamy's arms. That didn't last long, the buzzing of his phone woke him up. He reached behind him grabbing it off the nightstand.

"Octavia, what time is it?" he asked groggily.

"Time to get up, tell Clarke wakey wakey too, Breakfast at nine at the diner, it's seven now, and Nyko will bring Charlotte with him to the diner so Clarke doesn't have to go and get her" Octavia's voice drifted into the room from the phone.

"It's only seven, call again in an hour" Clarke spoke causing Bellamy to chuckle.

"You heard the princess, we are going back to bed" Bellamy mumbled.

"Bellamy Blake, don't make me come get you two, be at the diner by nine" she said before hanging up. Clarke pulled the phone from his hand setting it on the night stand on her side. She laid back on the bed pulling the blanket around her and turning to face him. Her hand moved to rest on his hips, her eyes looking up at him through her eye lashes.

"Good Morning Beautiful" he smiled.

"Morning Handsome" she whispered as she returned his smile.

"This is nice" he said letting his fingers graze the side of her face as he brushed a strand of hair off to the side.

"It is" She replied quietly letting her fingers draw light designs along his side under the blanket.

"So can I say you are my girlfriend?" he asked pressing his lips to hers lightly.


"Making me your boyfriend?"

"MmmmHmmm" she replied again pressing her lips lightly on his jaw line.

"Woman of many words" He teased. Her lips latched on to his neck sucking slightly before pulling away.

"Would you rather I talk more and kiss less?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"No" he laughed, shifting and pinning her under him. He pressed light kisses to her neck before moving lower, he kissed over her chest lightly. Taking in every inch of the view of her body, and the various love making marks he left behind.

"Alright, enough of that, or breakfast won't happen" She smiled pulling him back up to her level for a kiss.

"If you say so, I'd choose this over breakfast any day" he stated with a smirk before pushing up off the bed. They both stood getting dressed before heading downstairs to start the coffee.

Bellamy made them each a cup as they sat at the counter enjoying each others company.


Clarke washed the coffee cups before slipping her shoes on. They walked to the diner, the eatery was busy but they could hear their group of friends easily over the crowd.

"Charlotte, How was your night?" Clarke asked sliding in next to her as Bellamy waited patiently for her to get comfortable before taking the last seat in the booth next to Clarke.

"I loved it!, Lexa and I had so much fun."

"That's great sweetie, I'm glad you had a good time, I missed you" Clarke smiled pulling the child closer to her.

"I missed you too, you had fun too right?" she asked looking to her mom for an answer.

"Oh you bet, lots of fun" Clarke replied.

"lot's huh?" Wells asked, a look of amusement crossing his face. Clarke shot him a look before looking at Bellamy. He sat with his elbows on the table and his hand clasped in front of his mouth, but she could clearly see the smile peeking out from the side of his hand. She pinched him lightly on the side causing him to jump slightly.

"What?" he asked playfully.

"You know what" she replied taking a sip of her coffee.

They all sat listening to Charlotte talk about her night, and how much fun she had. Clarke and Bellamy didn't reveal the dating thing to anyone. Clarke needed to find a subtle way to introduce Charlotte to the idea.

"So what's everyone's plans for the day? I put the new girls on so Clarke and I have off today." Octavia stated, Lincoln draped an arm over the back of her chair.

"I was thinking maybe Charlotte would enjoy the park, supposed to be a warm fall day today" Murphy suggested. Charlotte turned towards him quickly.

"Can I feed the ducks Uncle Murphy?" she asked loudly.

"Yea, of course, I'll grab bread from the corner store on the way to the park" he chuckled. He looked up to see everyone watching him.


"Uncle Murphy, is just is full of surprises" Wells said.

"Your just jealous, you aren't the only awesome Uncle anymore." Murphy chuckled.

"More like shocked you could be an awesome anything" he deadpanned.

"Alright, children. Charlotte is blessed to have two amazing Uncles, enough. " Clarke smiled, her voice holding the tone of a mother giving a warning. Lincoln and Bellamy smirked, shaking there heads at the scene unfolding in front of them.

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