Chapter 25

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Clarke and Bellamy spent the afternoon and the next two weeks sneaking kisses, they spent more time together now but still hadn't come out with being together aside from the occasional hand holding.

Clarke hurried Charlotte out of the house, they would just make it to the school on time if she could get them out of the house in the next minute. Clarke was definitely that type of person who lived by the last minute. If she wasn't just on time, she was late, but never early.

Clarke ushered her out on to the porch doing a mental check of everything she had, before locking the door and heading out to the sidewalk with Charlotte .

"Mom, do you like Mr. Blake?" Charlotte asked as they walked along side the street.

"Yes" Clarke answered, curious as to where this conversation was going.

"Like really like him?" she asked looking at her mother.

"Why?" Clarke asked.

"I think you really like him, you always smile when he comes to see us" she replied. Clarke smiled to herself.

"You are very perceptive little one, and yes I really like him, is that okay?" Clarke asked.

"Is he your boyfriend, I have a boyfriend, we got married on the playground and everything" Charlotte answered animatedly.

"Uh, yeah, he's my boyfriend, however, I don't think it's the same as your boyfriend"

"Yeah, I don't kiss mine" she replied. Clarke's steps faltered.

"Well that's good, have you seen me kiss Mr. Blake?" she asked, questioning her tactical skills.

"Every time he leaves" she replied.

"okay, and you are okay with him being my boyfriend"

"Yes, I like him"Charlotte replied.

"Good, because I like him too." Clarke added giving her daughter a smile as they headed up the steps to the school.

They opened the door revealing Bellamy and a few other teachers standing at the doors of their classrooms. He looked up seeing her and made it a point to glance at his watch before looking to her again.

"Good morning Mr. Blake" Clarke greeted as Charlotte slipped into the class.

"Ms. Griffin, cutting it close." he replied playfully.

"I keep hoping for detention" she smiled, his eyes shot to hers.

"Don't play with fire" he warned.

"Or what?" she tested.

"You might not like detention" He smirked. She leaned in letting her lips graze his ear.

"Or I might just like it so much, I beg for it" she whispered, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.

"You need to go, or I'll be making use of a janitor's closet" he chuckled. She leaned in again pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"Have a good day Mr. Blake" she smiled turning for the door. He grabbed her wrist lightly turning her back to him.

"Hey, the PDA? Charlotte?" he asked baffled about the current situation.

"Oh, she knows now, and shes happy I really really like you " Clarke smiled. Bellamy's lips captured hers in a quick fiery kiss.

"That's great, I like being able to kiss you when I want." he smiled letting go of her hand.

"Me too, see you at lunch?" She asked.

"You bet" he replied ducking into the classroom.


The bell above the door at the coffee shop caught Octavia's attention and Clarke made her way through the door.

"What's that smile for?" Octavia asked.

"I told Charlotte, well more like she just flat out asked me, but either way, Bellamy and I are now officially seeing each other"

"Good, I was getting tired of pretending I didn't see the looks you give each other, or pretending I didn't notice you holding hands under the table all the time." Octavia laughed.

"Geeze, was it that bad."

"Yes, you two are horrible at hiding anything, Charlotte asked Wells about it the other day, he told her that was a question for her mother."

"He didn't tell me that" Clarke replied.

"I think he figured Charlotte would ask you as soon as she saw you."

"Either way, it's a relief that she knows" Clarke stated as she tied her apron on.

The morning flew by as it always does, the need for coffee before noon is evident in the community. Clarke and Octavia were adding some thanksgiving decorations to the windows when Bellamy and Lincoln walked across the store front to the door, followed by Murphy.

The three men made there way to the coffee machines.

"Ladies, how goes it?" Murphy asked.

"It goes, a few more decorations and then in two weeks start all over with Christmas, it's never ending. " Octavia answered stepping down off the chair.

Clarke pulled a strand of tape off the roll securing the cardboard turkey in place before turning to face the group.

"She loves it, don't let her lie, she has the Blake festiveness" Clarke deadpanned.

"Hey now, I decorated." Bellamy stated.

"Griffin women decorated, you just let them" Murphy accused.

"No different then you" he shot back.

"Touch'e" Murphy laughed, he turned to Clarke who moved next to Bellamy, his voice turning serious.

"Take tonight and tomorrow off Clarke, go have fun"

"I need the money, I can't afford that."

"Paid days off, I got some unit renters coming in and I don't want you there when they are" he replied.

"Um, okay" she replied questioningly.

"Old friends of yours" he hinted.

"Oh, gotcha, yeah, thanks" she replied.

"Good, so how about dinner, you and Charlotte, I'll cook, my house or yours?"

"How about mine?, you text me a list, I'll pick up the groceries"

"Okay, I'll bring Charlotte home then, easy enough" he replied sending her a smile.

"Your the best" she stated standing on her toes to press a light kiss to his lips. His hand moved to her hip pulling her closer to him.

"Oh so this is a thing now?" Lincoln asked motioning to each of them.

"God, it's been a thing, forever, just seems they both pulled their heads from their asses at the same time." Murphy said sending them a smile.

"If anyone has their head in their ass it's" Clarke started.

"Watch it Griffin, remember I'm your boss, who just gave you two paid days off, and you love me" Murphy cut her off.

"Yeah, I love you alright" she replied sarcastically.

"We all know it, don't lie" He laughed as he headed out the door.

"That's alright, have some coffee on the house" Octavia said sarcastically as Murphy sipped his walking in front of the windows.

"Don't mind if we do, see you later" Bellamy and Lincoln laughed following Murphy's exit.

"Ughhh Guys!" Octavia said throwing her towel on the counter.

"They are worse then kids" Clarke laughed.

"They are kids" Octavia sighed.

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