Chapter 23

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They stepped out of Azgeda and headed towards the limo, Clarke grabbed her bag from the seat of the car and they started on the sidewalk in the direction of Bellamy's house.

"You still planning on spending the night, or do you want me to walk you home?" Bellamy asked.

"I still planned on staying with you, if that's okay" She replied. Her hand slipped into his as they walked.

"Of Course" he replied squeezing her hand lightly. They walked in comfortable silence to his house. He unlocked the door and let her enter first before locking up behind them. She slipped off her shoes and sunk on to the couch.

"Want a drink?" he asked taking off his shoes and heading for the kitchen.

"Yes, the stronger the better... please" She replied turning the t.v. on. He shook his head, the women in his life had no boundaries, they were right at home wherever they were. He put ice cubes in the glasses and poured the whiskey generously over top of them, before joining her on the couch. He handed her the glass watching her take a generous mouthful before giving him a smile.

"You plan on getting drunk in my living room?" he asked giving her a smirk. She just nodded taking another drink.

"You gonna keep that on?" he asked motioning to the outfit.

"Unless you'd rather I take it off" she replied, her eyes meeting hers. He didn't miss the seductive tone but he wanted to be sure.

"You know I plan on taking advantage of this situation, if that's not what you want, then tell me now." he replied, She met his eyes with hers, his normal shade of brown intensified. Her hand reached out wrapping around his tie and pulling him to her lightly. She set her glass on the end table. He held himself up above her easily, his lips hovering above hers, she could feel his breath ghost across them. She wanted to taste him, letting her eyes travel over his mouth. He was done resisting, he leaned in pressing his lips to hers with force. Their mouth's moved together effortlessly, her body melting at his touch. His hand ran down the side of her body moving her under him at a better angle. A slight moan fell from her lips when his mouth found her neck. Her body involuntarily moving up to meet his.

(SMUT ALERT, if you arent a smut lover, I'll see you in the next chapter! )

"Clarke, you keep that up and this will be a quick show." He scolded playfully eliciting a small giggle from her. He was silently thanking the heavens that they were still dressed or it would have already been over. Her lips met his neck, sucking and nipping lightly, he could feel his heart racing. He slid onto the floor to his knees and spread her legs.

"Put your feet on the coffee table behind me" he stated. She stretched her legs out to rest her feet on the table, on both sides of him. He slid his hands under her ass sliding her to the edge, her knees now bent. Her eyes were locked on his. He ran his hands up her legs letting them rest on her inner thighs. Giving them a light push.

"Relax Princess" his voice now a deep, husky, sinful, sound. His lips met her inner thigh, he trailed small kisses and light nips down one side and up the other, skipping where she wanted to feel his mouth most. His fingers lightly trailed the same path as his mouth. The anticipation was evident, she could feel her body react to every little touch. He slid his hand under her again this time pulling her underwear down and assisting her to slide one leg out at a time. She set her feet back on the table laying back on the couch. Her breath shaky.

"You okay?" Bellamy asked.

"Yup, I just, this is new" She said a slight blush crossing her cheeks. They look in his eyes intensified before he gave her his award winning smile.

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