Chapter 13

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Murphy got Clarke all set up in the system and taught her the basics, He gave her a brief tour of the units so she knew the size and location differences. He showed her the back of the storage area, where the dumpsters were and the cleaning supplies.

" This door here you can only use to get out, once it closes you can't get back in this way. You have to walk all the way around. I have it like this so I know who's in here, but the renters can exit whenever they want. Hence us not being blessed with Roma's personality twice today. She went out the back." he stated.

"I see it has it's benefits then." she chuckled.

The rest of the day she worked flawlessly with Murphy, it surprised her, but they made a really good team. She enjoyed her first day. Murphy gave her a set of keys at the end of the day when they closed up.

"I'll see you tomorrow Griffin." he said giving her a wave before heading in the opposite direction.

"Have a good night" she smiled taking her phone out. She loved this town, even at night, the streets were lined with older rustic looking street lamps, it gave the town a certain relaxing aura. She missed this, and was so glad to be home.

She walked in the direction of her house, she entered the all to familiar number, pausing feeling slightly nervous. She scolded herself for being childish and pressed call, she took a deep breath seeing his name cross the screen. 'Bellamy'

"Hello" his voice came on the line.

"Hey, thanks for the plant." she replied.

"Just don't kill it."

"I make no promises" she replied laughing.

"How was the first day?" he asked, she could hear the smile in his voice.

"It was good, we work really well together believe it or not." she replied

" I find it hard to believe anyone can work with Murphy, but I'll take your word for it"

"Yeah, he's something sometimes, Well I'm almost home, I just wanted to thank you "

"Your welcome, I hope it brightens up your space" he laughed.

" It does"

"You bringing Charlotte in the morning?" he asked.

"Yup, I'll see you bright an early." she replied.

" Good, I'll be looking forward to it, goodnight princess" he replied

" Goodnight Bell" she said ending the call just as she reached her front door.

When she opened the door she wasn't expecting the delicious aroma that met her.

" Wow, what smells so good?" she asked setting her stuff down on the table next to the door.

"Uncle Wells made lasagna" Charlotte called from the kitchen.

" Thank goodness, for Uncle Wells" Clarke said walking into the kitchen.

She smiled at both of them sitting at the table.

" We just sat down, grab a plate" Wells stated. Clarke did just that, and was thankful to be able to sit and enjoy a meal with the both of them. They talked about work and about school, and about Charlotte's family tree that Clarke has got to see for herself. They had a great night of laughing and spending time together.


The next day Clarke stopped at O's on the way to the school. She grabbed a coffee for herself and for Bellamy. A hot chocolate for Charlotte and they continued there walk. By the time they arrived at the school it was bustling with parents and kids being dropped off. They headed into the building and down the hallway to Charlotte's classroom, stopping so Clarke could see the family tree. She took a second to appreciate everything. She did the right thing coming home, she gave Charlotte a family she wouldn't have had otherwise. Her thoughts were interrupted by Bellamy's voice. Then a woman with dark brown hair stepped out the door way.

"Maybe we can get dinner sometime." she suggested.

" Yeah, I'll give you a call when I have some free time, It was nice seeing you Gina" he replied following her out into the hallway.

"Likewise" she replied sending him a smile before heading past Clarke.

"Mr. Blake" Clarke said holding out a coffee cup.

" Princess, you are the best." he replied taking it from her.

" I know" she replied giving him a smile.
" I bet you do" he replied jokingly receiving a play smack to the arm.

" Work calls, see you around Blake" she laughed walking down the hallway.

"Yea, see you around" he replied watching her walk away. She knew just how to get to him. He didn't know if he should be happy she knew him that well or if he should be worried that he was that transparent with her. He wished she would just let go of whatever was holding her back. He knows she wants what he does, just getting her to take the chance was his problem.

The next two weeks flew by, Clarke just finished her last shift at Nyko's Diner. Murphy was paying her more than enough and she spent too much time working, she wasn't getting time with Charlotte and Wells need time for himself too. She took her last paycheck from the diner and the one she got from Octavia the day before to the bank. She was glad to start catching up on things. She withdrew $500 and slipped it in an envelope for Bellamy in her pocket before heading to work at the coffee shop.

She walked into work. The shop had quite a few people in there. Octavia was running the register when Clarke slipped in and took orders at the counter. She heard his voice before she saw him.

"You know Octavia?" Bellamy's voice asked in the crowd.

" Yeah, I met her a few weeks ago" the other man answered. As soon as they approached the counter Clarke recognized the strangers voice as Lincoln.

"What can I get you?" Clarke asked.

"We want whatever the special is." Lincoln stated. Clarke nodded putting the pastries in the bag and handing them to him. She pulled the envelope from her pocket handing it to Bellamy. He took it from her questioningly.

" Some of what I owe" she said.

"Gotcha" he replied with a smile.

"Looks like all the good looking guys are in one spot today." a voice rang out.

Clarke felt herself cringe as her and Octavia looked towards the voice. Roma and Gina were standing over by the coffee machines. Bellamy met Clarke's gaze with an amused look.

"Alright guys" Clarke started but was abruptly cut off by Roma.

"We are treating them." She stated throwing a $20 on the counter.

"How nice of you." Clarke replied sarcastically. Before she could grab the twenty Bellamy handed it back to Roma.

"You aren't paying for me." he stated, his tone a warning that wasn't up up for discussion.

"We didn't mean to offend you" Gina's voice came over Roma's shoulder, sounding embarrassed.

"It wasn't you Gina, Sorry, I just don't take to that well" he replied sending the woman a warm smile. Clarke looked to Octavia who raised her eyebrows at her.

"So Bellamy, I hear there is a Halloween Party in two weeks at the new bar, Azgeda, are you going?" Gina asked. Clarke spun around hoping he wasn't about to accept an offer when she knocked the two glasses off the counter accidentally. The shatter snapped Bellamy's attention back to Clarke.

"Fuck me" she mumbled, picking up glass.

Mr. Blake (Bellarke Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora