Chapter 33

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"Bellamy, Thank you for bringing me, I love it" Charlotte said sitting next to him at one of the tables lining the edge of the floor.

"You don't have to thank me, it is nice isn't it. They must have decorated for days" he said taking the whole room in, before turning to look at her. She sat wide eyed and mesmerized by the whole thing. There were lights lining the room, all twinkling, The movement causing a steady glow, not too much just enough to create a relaxing atmosphere.

"So would you like to dance?"Bellamy asked his date. She just nodded standing up. He led her to the floor and twirled her in every direction, her giggles making him grin, her happiness was contagious. They stayed out on the floor for quite a few songs before taking a break to grab a drink.


Across town Clarke stood frozen in fear, his voice like a shockwave through her body. There were so many ways this could end badly, her mind was reeling, her breath felt like it was stuck in her throat, internally battling with herself to breathe.

"Turn around, lets take a walk, to the open unit at the end"

"Emerson, I didn't see anything, So I can't say anything, just let me go back to my office work" She couldn't help but think her voice sounded stronger than she felt at the moment. She rounded the last aisle, Dax stepped out of the unit giving her a grin.

"Look what the cat dragged in" he chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, being a snoop, keep her entertained until the unit's empty" Emerson stated just as two guys moved some stuff out to a waiting van.

"Oh I could entertain her" he smiled pushing hair out of her face. She met his eyes before smacking his hand away.

"Don't touch me" she growled.

"Feisty, you used to like it"

"I used to lie" She replied, His hand gripped her upper arm tightly.

"I don't believe you" his voice low and menacing. She yanked her arm back before shoving him.

"I said don't fucking touch me" his laughter was not an enjoyable sound. Clarke looked to the unit, two pallets remained. Her eyes scanned the pallet. Sheets of money lined the pallets in neat stacks. Counterfeit no doubt. Police sirens could be heard in the distance, causing everyone to be on edge.

"You by yourself?" Emerson asked.


"Good" He replied as one van pulled away and another pulled up. They made quick work of loading what was on one of the last pallets.

"That's all we have room for" the driver called before pulling away.

Emerson turned to face Clarke.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, I really have no problem with you." The sympathy in his eyes made her stomach churn.

"Dax put her in the unit" he said turning and walking out the door.

"What?, no. I won't tell anyone." she said backing away. Dax grabbed her roughly pulling her into the unit. She fought back trying to get out, he back handed her, she could taste the blood from the hit. She refused to be locked in there. Just as she advanced towards him she felt his fist hit her stomach, she fell to the ground unable to breathe. The second her lungs decided to cooperate was the second she heard the metal door slam, followed by darkness and the clicking of a lock.

Clarke stood feeling her way to the door. She pulled and screamed relentlessly. She started to focus, Murphy has to come to work, she can wait it out. She will be fine. She kept repeating it to herself, urging herself to keep calm. She took a deep breath, then another. Convincing herself she would be okay. One last deep breath, and her whole body stilled. Smoke. She could smell smoke. Something was burning. What sounded like wind in the distance was turning into something much closer. Suddenly the smoke smell was stronger, the unit filling with it. Realization hit, sending her into a complete panic. They set the storage center on fire.

"No, no, no" she whispered before letting out a scream.

"Help me! Someone please." she yelled banging on the door. The more she yelled the more she coughed. It was becoming hard to breathe. Her mind was full of thoughts of Bellamy and Charlotte, tears were running down her face. She just kept pounding on the door, she could feel the metal changing in temperature. She took a breath, her lungs burned, screaming was becoming harder.


Murphy was headed to the storage center with some supplies he picked up on his errand run. As he turned the corner he could see smoke coming from the full size units, his supplies falling from his arms and being long forgotten on the sidewalk. He grabbed his phone as he headed for the front door.

The voice on the other end drawing his attention as he entered the building.

"911, whats your emergency?"

" 35 lark st, the storage center is on fire" he stated before slipping the phone in his pocket and grabbing the fire extinguisher. He turned to the door, the lit computer catching his attention. A purse and cellphone sat on the desk illuminated by the screen. Clarke. A nauseating feeling washed over him as he burst through the back doors.

"Clarke" he yelled wielding the extinguisher in front of him, he put the fire out little by little as he made his was down the aisle.

"Clarke" he yelled again. He could hear banging further down the row followed by his name being yelled. The fire blazed ahead of him, he used all the contents of the extinguisher and had to run back to the other side to grab the second one. He could hear the sound of fire sirens in the distance, he just wasn't sure he had that kind of time. As he rounded the corner and approached where he left off, he used the second extinguisher, yelling Clarke's name again, and again. Except now there was no answer. The fire department burst through at the perfect time, putting the fire out completely.

"Clarke" Murphy yelled again.

"Is someone missing?" a firefighter asked.

"Yes, Clarke Griffin, I heard her screaming, she must be in a unit." he replied heading to the office. He pulled open drawer after drawer, contents spilling everywhere as he rummaged through them until he found the bolt cutters.

He started at one end, every units lock he cut a firefighter would open and they did that the whole way down the aisle until one revealed her laying lifelessly on the ground. The bolt cutters fell from his hands.

"No, It can't be" he stated rushing to her side, the voice of the firefighter filling the unit.

"Arkadia Emergency, This is Arkadia Fire Department, We need an Ems dispatched to the lark street fire location, female victim appears to be in her twenties, unconscious"

"Received Arkadia Fire, Ems has been dispatched, eta seven minutes" the voice of dispatch announced.

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